Winners of Best Social Media Ambassador Award of the THC2020 announced!

Triple Helix Conferece 2020 Social Media Ambassador Award

We congratulate the winners of the Triple Helix Conferece 2020 Social Media Ambassador Award:

  1. Rabii Outamha,  University of Hassan II, Morocco
  2. Sini Teräsahde,  Tampere University, Finland


Competition announcement:

The award is awarded to conference delegates active in making the THC2020 a memorable event, by showcasing the conference activities and outcomes via social media before and during the Conference, using the hashtag #triplehelixconference2020.

The prize will be awarded on the basis of the following criteria:

1. Number of posts published in any of the following social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)

2. Number and type of engagements (such us: like, comments, re-tweets)

3. Quality and originality of messages.

To be considered for the award it is compulsory to add to your posts #triplehelixconference2020.

The winners will receive a signed and stamped official award certificate by the Triple Helix Association (THA). A specific announcement will be published on the THA web site and other online media where THA is present. The prize includes a one (1) year free membership for the THA. (If the winner is already a THA member, then this award will add one year to current membership.)

The Prize Award Committee: Dr Emanuele Fiore (Chair), Dr Emanuela Todeva (VP of the THA), Dr Dimitri Corpakis (Member of the THA Executive Committee), Maria Laura Fornaci, Executive Director THA