23.3.2023 Sähkö kriisissä - Electricity in crisis

Group photo of pitchers and coaches.
TechBites pitchers from number one to five: Kari Kallioharju, Antti Hilden, Joni Markkula, Carl Muth and Tuomas Korhonen, coached by Leena Köppä and Raúl Berlanga.

Euroopan sähköjärjestelmää on epävakauttanut alhaisempi maakaasun tarjonta, säähän sidotut uusiutuvan energian tuotantomuodot ja sähkön kysynnän kasvu taloustilanteen elpyessä. Samanaikainen teollisuuden, liikenteen sekä rakennuksien sähköistyminen on johtanut sähkön kriisiytymiseen. Nyt vaaditaan yhteistyötä ja kollektiivisia toimia niin tutkimukselta, teollisuudelta kuin liike-elämältä. Aamiaistapahtumassa keskustelivat Tampereen yliopiston Climate Neutral Energy Systems and Society -tutkimusalustan (CNESS) tutkijat sekä muut energia-alan asiantuntijat yrityksistä ja yhtieisöistä.

Electrification of the industry, transport and buildings • Lower natural gas supply volumes • Weather-dependent power production from renewables • Rising demand driven by economic rebound…

Several factors distress the European power system. Electricity is in crisis. Collective actions from research, industry and business are crucial in finding sustainable solutions. Join us for breakfast and discussions. Build networks and cooperation with key researchers from Tampere University’s Climate Neutral Energy Systems and Society (CNESS) research platform and other energy experts!

Keynote speakers

Pami Aalto, Tampereen yliopisto

Pami is Jean Monnet Professor in international relations and main PI of the university’s Research platform on Climate Neutral Energy Systems and Society CNESS. He works at the interface of European integration, international relations and political economy, specialising on energy policy issues. His main interest is in interdisciplinary work on energy transitions and energy issues in general, as well as international environmental governance, where alongside scholarly work he also seeks to engage with the business, public administration and NGOs.

Keynote speech: Security dimensions of the electricity crisis: who is responsible for what?

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Keynote speech: Self-Sufficient, Resilient and Independent Microgrids – Case LEMENE

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Toimitusjohtaja Mikko Kettunen CEO, Lempäälän Energia Ltd.

When working at Lempäälän Lämpö Oy, Mikko’s focus was to find new, sustainable, feasible and efficient ways to produce energy. Demand response, ancillary markets, sector integration, machine learning and optimising are the part of diverse energy production and consumption system. Mikko has experience in energy communities and microgrids where energy is produced and consumed locally, and excess energy supports energy networks. Mikko started in  a new position as CEO of Lempäälän Energia Ltd. in the beginning of February 2023.

Yksikön päällikkö Jyrki Uusitalo M.Sc. Manager, System Operations Development, Fingrid Oyj

Jyrki has a  wide experience of transmission system operators business. Recently he has been focusing on power system balancing issues and ensuring optimal and cost-efficient procurement  and  use of reserves. He has been participating in several Nordic and European transmission system operators steering bodies.

Keynote speech: Winter Electricity Adequacy Outlook

Pitch and Catch - return to your favourite pitch!

#1 Kari Kallioharju, Senior Lecturer, TAMK

TechBites pitch: Lämmitystapamuutosten vaikutukset sähköenergiajärjestelmän tehoihin

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#2 Antti Hilden, Doctoral Researcher, TAU

TechBites pitch: Sähkön laatu sähköverkoissa – Uusien energiaresurssien vaikutukset

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#3 Joni Markkula, Doctoral Researcher, TAU

TechBites pitch: Electric vehicle smart charging and other home energy appliances

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#4 Carl Muth, coordinator, TAU

TechBites pitch: An integrated European electricity system through interconnection

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#5 Tuomas Korhonen, Tenure track -professor, TAU

TechBites pitch: Ekologisen kestävyyden ja talouden näkökulmien yhdistäminen liiketoiminnan uudistamisessa

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