31.10.2018 5G and beyond

Professor Lempiäinen targets to find new revolutionary solutions and applications for mobile communications technology fields. He also initiates national discussion and demand to have emergency mobile network in commercial fequencies for all inhabitants in Finland.
University Lecturer Jukka Talvitie pursues novel approaches to utilize 5G and beyond communications signals for a wide variety of industrial verticals, especially focusing on localization and environment awareness. Besides academic contribution, he has several years of experience from various research and development projects in communications industry.
Matti Keskinen manages R&D and Business related consultant items in Nokia Networks. He has held various positions within Nokia since 1982 and is world class recognized expert turning different solutions to successful business.
TechBites pitch: 5G URLLC – technology for transforming vertical industries
TechBites pitch: Reliable 5G-Grade Connectivity for Intelligent Moving Machines
TechBites pitch: UAV connectivity with future mobile networks
TechBites pitch: 5G usages in Aviation, video not available
TechBites pitch: Implementing THz solution for faster communications