The abstracts can be found under the sessions or downloaded here.
Sunday June 14th 2015
17.00-19.00 Registration
18.30-20.30 Ice-breaking Party (Tampere Hall)
Monday June 15th 2015
8.00 Registration
9.45-10.00 Opening Ceremony (Small Auditorium)
10.00-11.00 Plenary Lecture 1 (Small Auditorium)
- Prof. Susanne V. Hering, Aerosol Dynamics Inc.
Beyond Counting – Applications of Condensation Systems to Particle Collection and Charging
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break & Exhibition (Park Hall)
11.30-13.10 Parallel sessions I:
- Instrumentation 1: calibration (Small Auditorium)
- Combustion 1 (Studio)
- Thin films and coatings (Rondo)
13.10-14.00 Lunch Break & Exhibition (Park Hall)
14.00-16.00 Parallel sessions 2:
- Instrumentation 2: Sub 3 nm (Small Auditorium)
- Combustion 2 (Studio)
16.00-16.20 Coffee Break & Exhibition
16.20-18.20 Parallel sessions 3:
- Filtration (Small Auditorium)
- Fundamentals (Studio)
- Instrument tutorial (Rondo)
18.20 End of Conference Day
19.00-20.30 Welcome Reception by The City of Tampere
Tuesday June 16th 2015
8.00 Registration
8.45-9.45 Plenary Lecture 2 (Small Auditorium)
- Prof. Christopher J. Hogan Jr, Univ. Minnesota
Aggregate Dynamics in the Transition Regime: a two Knudsen Number Problem
9.45-10.15 Coffee Break & Exhibition (Park Hall)
10.15-12.15 Poster session (Park Hall)
12.15-13.15 Lunch Break & Exhibition (Park Hall)
13.15-15.15 Parallel sessions 1:
- Instrumentation 3: Charge and surface area (Small Auditorium)
- Synthesis 1: CVD and generation (Studio)
- Deposition and separation (Rondo)
15.15-15.45 Coffee Break & Exhibition (Park Hall)
15.45-17.45 Parallel sessions 2:
- Instrumentation 4: Mobility and inertia (Small Auditorium)
- Synthesis 2: Flame (Studio)
- Structural analysis (Rondo)
17.45 End of Conference Day
19.30 Conference Dinner (Vapriikki Museum Centre)
Wednesday June 17th 2015
8.30 Registration
8.45-9.45 Plenary Lecture 3 (Small Auditorium)
- Prof. Einar Kruis, Univ. Duisburg
Aerosol Nanoparticle Synthesis without Chemical Reactions
9.45-10.15 Coffee Break & Exhibition (Park Hall)
10.15-12.15 Parallel sessions 1:
- Development of new instruments (Small Auditorium)
- Detection, analysis and field measurements (Studio)
12.15-13.15 Lunch Break & Exhibition (Park Hall)
13.15-15.15 Parallel sessions 2:
- Particle emission and release (Small Auditorium)
- Instrumentation 5: Optics and fluorescence (Studio)
- Electrosprays (Rondo)
15.15 Closing Remarks (Park Hall)