Presentation Information

Instructions for Oral Presentation

Oral presenters are requested to report to the session chair at least 10 minutes prior to the start of their session.

Speakers’ service desk is located in the main lobby. Speakers are asked to bring their slides/PowerPoint presentations at the speakers’ service desk at least 3-4 hours before the time of their presentation; preferably the day before.

Speakers may use either the PC installed in the meeting room or their own computer.
When you intend to use your own PC in the meeting room, please check the technique during the break before your session. Technical support is provided by the conference staff in each meeting room.

Please, save your file in the following filename format:

Please, note that the presentation time is 20 minutes in total, i.e. 15 minutes for the talk and 5 min for discussion.


Instructions for Poster Presentation

Poster Session: Tuesday  16th June 2015, 10:15-12:15 

Posters are displayed in the poster area in Park Hall.

Presenting authors are asked to attend their poster during the poster session.

Posters are to be mounted on Monday morning and left on display till Wednesday afternoon. Please remove your poster by this time.

The size of the poster board is 1 m x 1.25 m (width x height). Each poster presenter should put up his/her poster himself. Pins will be provided by the house.


Instructions for Back-up Presentations

Back-up presentations are poster presentations that will also be offered a slot for oral presentation if a vacancy becomes available. Presenters should check with chairs at the start of relevant oral session.