We have added information on frequently asked questions below. If you do not find the information you need, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Face-to-face event, or hybrid, and can I participate online?
As far as the COVID19 situation allows, we seek to organize the event as a face-to-face event. We understand, however, that there are several travel restrictions at place, not only due to COVID19 but also for the lack of funds, visa policies etc.
We are unable to provide travel bursaries, but we will do our best to provide participation to selected parts of the event via Zoom, free of charge. The online event will include, at least, the streaming of the plenary sessions, as well as those parts of the workshops that involve individual work.
If there is interest, we are also happy to organize online utopia workshops like those in the live event on separate dates from the live event. While we would love to be able to provide full hybrid participation, we do not unfortunately have the personnel or financial resources it would require to make it work for both those participating live, and those taking part online.
To take part in the event online or face-to-face, please go to the registration page.
I have done interesting research on sustainable continence care. Can I present in the conference about my work?
We would absolutely love to hear about your work! Indeed, we hope you get to discuss about it to a lot of people throughout the two days, and that you contribute your knowledge to the workshops, as we create data on expert knowledge on sustainable continence care.
However, there will not be traditional paper presentations in the event. The programme, is built around parallel thematic workshops, where the participants are facilitated to co-produce a shared definition for sustainable continence care.
There are a few opportunities in presenting your work to the world through this event.
- Would you like to present a poster about your work? Please get in touch with us!
- There will be a video booth in the exhibition hall, where you can film a short (e.g., 5 minutes) pitch talk, presentation, or a manifesto on sustainable continence care – from your chosen angle. With your informed consent (collected before the recording), these film clips will be collected on a Youtube channel after the event. In addition, they can also be transcribed into text and archived as part of the workshop data, if you provide your permission to do so.
- If you participate online, and want to record a similar presentation, please get in touch with us!
If my company “sponsors” the event, can we include a presentation on our recent innovation in the conference program?
We would love to hear about new innovations and products in the field of sustainable continence care! However, there will not be specific workshops for showcasing innovations or research findings – for this, we’ll have an exhibition space.
Unlike in many other conferences and academic workshops, there are no sponsors for this event, in the traditional sense. Instead, businesses operating in the field are understood as stakeholders, which have a lot of knowledge to contribute to the table, as we co-create a concept for sustainable continence care.
Companies are warmly welcome to the event, by purchasing a “business ticket” through the registration page. The number of business tickets is limited at one ticket per company, and the tickets will include:
- Spot in the exhibition lounge (table with electric sockets at the exhibition space)
- Three persons’ participation in the full program (including the possibility to contribute, with the company’s views, to the knowledges produced in the workshops)
- Open access to the data on sustainable continence care, generated in the workshops, after the data is archived.
There are only a limited number of business tickets available, so be quick to purchase yours!
NB: We do not seek to make profit from the sales of the company tickets, but use the money for the costs of the conference (e.g., catering, evening program, speakers’, facilitators’, and some patient organizations’ travel costs). The sales of the business tickets allows us to keep the participation fee low for participants with less resources.
What if I provide the kind of knowledge on sustainable continence care, which is my innovation? How do I retain my intellectual property right, and citeability?
In the workshops, where we produce data in group discussions and other type of brainstorming, the default is that the data is collected, stored, archived, and analysed in an anomymous format. Parts of the workshop, however, involve tasks that require individual input. You may be asked, for instance, to write your own utopia for sustainable continence care, or you can record a video on your work in a video booth.
Upon producing such parts of the workshop data, you will be asked to provide a separate informed consent for data collection. On all individually produced data, you may choose to include your name with the data. That way, your views can be cited in future research on sustainable continence care. In fact, you get the first chance for such citeability when registering to the event…😉