Responsible Business Research Conference 2025

12 – 13 March 2025
Hybrid conference, Tampere University / Zoom

About the conference

13th Annual Responsible Business Research Conference

What does corporate responsibility mean in today’s society? How do responsible and ethical aspects appear in different business models and business environments? How can we conduct research about these aspects and develop them further?

The Responsible Business Research Conference is organised in order to increase the visibility and to promote research on business responsibility, sustainability and ethics in Finland. In 2025, the conference is organised for the 13th time in a hybrid format. Languages of the conference are Finnish and English.


Rajat Panwar – Keynote speech 12.3.2025

“Frontiers in Corporate Sustainability: Where Do We Go from Here?”

Rajat Panwar is a Professor of Responsible and Sustainable Business Management at Oregon State University, USA. A native of India, Dr. Panwar is an interdisciplinary scholar holding two doctoral degrees: a PhD in Forestry and a DBA in Sustainability and Strategy. He has published extensively in business, forestry, and interdisciplinary journals, as well as in practitioner-oriented outlets such as California Management Review and Harvard Business Review.


The Research Conference encourages the networking of researchers and aims at advancing responsible business to become an important research field in Finland. The conference offers an opportunity for researchers in the field to present their research projects and results as well as to share ideas and experiences of doing research.

We invite presentations from all fields of business responsibility, sustainability and ethics. Potential topics are listed below. Please find further information and submit your presentation in the Call for Papers tab.

Business-nature-society relations
Circular economy
Responsibility in business and management
Social accounting and CSR reporting
Social entrepreneurship
Stakeholder interaction and engagement
Sustainability in business
Value creation and sustainable business models
Workplace wellbeing
Ethics in organizations and ethical leadership (EBEN track)

Important dates:
2.2.2025 Deadline for abstracts (200 words)
16.2.2025 Notification of accepted abstracts, conference program published
24.2.2025 Deadline for registration (participation at the university)
10.3.2025 Deadline for registration (online participation)
12.–13.3.2025 Responsible Business Research Conference


The conference is free of charge and open for all.

Warm welcome!

RESPMAN Research Group

RESPMAN Research Group conducts research on the relationships between business, society and the nature from different perspectives, including responsible management, firm-stakeholder interaction, corporate responsibility and sustainable development. The group was established at 2006 and currently we operate at the Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University. For more information, visit our website here.

Financial support of the Foundation for Economic Education is gratefully acknowledged!
