2-4 June 2020, Tampere University
About the conference
CEUR WiP Proceedings are available via this link: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2626/
Note! ICL-GNSS will be organized as a virtual conference on the original dates.
We will use Zoom as the platform, connection links to be sent to the registered participants a few days before. Registered participants can also view the final papers in ConfTool during the conference (+/- a few days). To that end, create an account in ICL-GNSS 2020 ConfTool page if you don’t have one yet.
It is good to have Zoom upgraded to the latest version if you are using the desktop app. The web-based connection should work out in any case.
Statement on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) March 10, 2020
ICL-GNSS 2020 is monitoring developments related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak and potential impact on international travel to the conference. The current plan is to organize the conference as originally planned, and if needed we will provide alternative ways to participate for the individuals unable to travel due to coming from high-risk areas. We will post on this page if there will be any major changes in our planning. Our thoughts and concern are with those affected in China, Italy and globally.
Update on March 17, 2020
We are considering the option of turning ICL-GNSS 2020 to a fully virtual conference to ensure both timely publishing of the authors’ work and the safety of participants. If that option will be taken, the participation fees will be substantially reduced to cover just the non-recurring costs of the event organization. The final decision will be taken by April 30 according to the foreseen situation in Europe and globally at that time. We wish all our friends out there strength, patience and good health in the current and coming circumstances.
Update on March 30, 2020
Due to the continuing epidemic situation, ICL-GNSS will go all virtual. We will instruct the authors on the preparation of their presentations, and the participants in general on how to register and participate, in the near future.
Conference scope
Reliable navigation and positioning are becoming essential in applications for IoT in industry and logistic applications, in smart city environments, for safety-critical purposes, in public services and consumer products to guarantee transparent, efficient and reliable workflows. A robust localization solution, which will be available continuously is needed regardless outdoor and indoor, and on different platforms. ICL-GNSS addresses the latest research on wireless and satellite-based positioning techniques to provide reliable and accurate position information with low latency. The emphasis is on the design of mass-market navigation receivers and related tools and methodologies, but also many kinds of sensing devices, wireless systems with localization capabilities, and location-aware applications are within the scope of ICL-GNSS.