Programme - Spring 2024


11.1.2024 at 15.00 – 16  F114 (Note the new time!)

PhD, project leader Thomas Fleischer, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Epigenomics of breast cancer: Regulation of cancer-driving pathways

Host: Alfonso Urbanucci

Thu 18.1.2024 at 14.00-15.00 Arvo F115

Professor Emeritus Anthony Moore, University of Sussex, UK
The alternative oxidase: a novel anti-parasitic and phytopathogenic target or a panacea for mitochondrial dysfunctions?

Host: Howy Jacobs

Thu 15.2.2024 at 13.00-14.00 in Arvo F115
PD Dr.-Ing. Axel Loewe, Akademischer Oberrat, Head of Computational Cardiac Modeling, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Modeling & simulation of cardiac function: combining mechanistic models and artificial intelligence
Host: Jari Hyttinen

Thu 15.2.2024 at 15.00-16.00, F115

Dr. Esa Pitkänen, FiMM & Applied Tumor Genomics, University of Helsinki
Deep representation learning for cancer medicine

Host: Toni Seppälä

Thu 7.3.2024 at 14.00-15.00, Arvo F114

Dr. Adam Sander, University of Copenhagen

Clinical Validation of a Modular Tag/Catcher Capsid Virus-Like Particle Vaccine Platform and Its Translation into a Nucleic Acid Delivery Format

Host: Vesa Hytönen

Thu 28.3.2024 at 14.00-15.00, Arvo F115 CANCELLED

Associate Professor (tenure) Daniela Ungureanu, Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Oulu, Finland
Pharmacogenomic profiling of drug responses at single cell level in prostate and ovarian cancer models

Host: Minna Hankaniemi

Tue 16.4. at 10.00 – 12.00, Festia FA032 Pieni sali 1, Hervanta and Teams link

Dr Ayache Bouakaz, Director of research Inserm, Inserm Imaging & Brain Institute, Tours, France
Ultrasound and microbubbles for anticancer drug delivery: From physics to clinics

Host: Prof Michiel Postema

Thu 18.4.2024 at 14.00-15.00 Arvo F115

Senior Assistant Professor (tenure track) Fabrizio Carta, University of Florence, Department of Neuroscience
Metalloenzymes and bacteria: new approaches towards next generation anti-infectives

host: Seppo Parkkila

Thu 25.4.2024 at 14.30-16.00 in Arvo F115 Teams link

Professor Emma Evergren, Queen’s University Belfast
Regulation of ER-mitochondria contact sites in prostate cancer progression

Professor Ian Mills, John Black Professor of Prostate Cancer at the University of Oxford and Professor of Translational Prostate Cancer Biology at Queen’s University Belfast
Cross-talk and enabling biologies in the emergence and progression of prostate cancer

Host: Alfonso Urbanucci

Thu 30.5.2024 at 14.00-15.00 Arvo F115
Prof. Dr. William F. Martin, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
The Moon-forming impact made a CO2 atmosphere, rocks and water made H2 in the crust, and H2 plus CO2 made life — any questions?
Host: Howy Jacobs