Johtajuussymposiumin puhuja juhlasalin lavalla täyden katsomon edessä.
The Leadership Symposium 2024

Welcome to the Leadership Symposium on October 22, 2024

The Leadership Symposium is an open and free event with seminars and panels that bring together representatives of different disciplines, business and public administration around topical themes. The symposium is now being held for the 13th time and has attracted a wide audience since its first event in 2012.

Kuva vuoden 2022 Johtajuussymposiumista.

Join the event

The Leadership Symposium takes place at the City centre campus of Tampere University and in the Paidia space at Nokia Arena. The seminars that are organised at the university’s main auditorium and at the Paidia can also be followed online.



The Leadership Symposium is an annual event organised by the Faculty of Management and Business at Tampere University.