Christoph Bördlein


Behavioral safety in unusual settings


Behavior-based safety – the application of behavior analysis to the area of workplace safety – is considered to be one of the most important contributions of behavior analysis to society. It literally saved thousands of lives of workers by helping them to work safer. The typical stetting for behavior-based safety systems is the industrial plant. Bigger companies profit a lot from reduced accident rates, and they have the human and financial resources to establish the infrastructure connected with a complex system of observation and feedback, including steering committees and safety professionals. However, most people worldwide work in small companies, which cannot afford the costs of such a system. But the principles underlying behavior-based safety are the general principles of behavior, therefore they should be adaptable to small business, non-profit organizations, and unusual work conditions. The literature in Organizational Behavior Management is rich in examples of the improvement of behavioral safety in unusual settings. Christoph Bördlein provides further examples from his own research with hairdressers, dental assistants, and rescue assistants.


Christoph Bördlein obtained his PhD in psychology from the University of Bamberg in 2001. He worked as an executive psychologist in a rehabilitation facility for blind and visually impaired adults and as the head of the department of occupational health management at the federal board of auditors in Germany. Concurrently, he provided organizational consultation in the field of behavior-based safety for various businesses and industries. Currently, he is professor at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, teaching classes in behavior analysis, research methods, and clinical psychology. He is director of a training course for specialists in behavior-based safety. He authored books and articles on critical thinking, an introductory textbook on applied behavior analysis, a textbook on research methods in applied behavior analysis and the only textbook on behavior-based safety in German. Christoph Bördlein’s interests are in the areas of behavioral safety, behavioral community interventions and behavior analysis in the field of sports, fitness, and health.