Venue: Tampere University, City centre campus, Main building (address: Kalevantie 4, Tampere)
26.10.2023 Thursday
10:15-12:00 Registration, Main building entry
12:00-14:15 Plenary I, Main Auditorium (2nd floor)
12:00-12:15 Opening of the Annual Social Policy Days, Professor Marita Husso. Finnish Social Policy Associations greetings, Chair of the Association Helena Hirvonen.
12:15-12:55 Professor Janine Leschke (Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark): Sustainable labour market integration: introducing job quality information in job matching and algorithmic profiling
13:00-13:15 Commentary by Postdoctoral Researcher Tuukka Lehtiniemi (University of Helsinki) and discussion
13:15-14:00 Professor Sharon Bessell (Crawford School of Public Policy): Rethinking child poverty in an age of uncertainty
14:00-14:15 Commentary by Research Professor Tiina Ristikari (Itla) and discussion
14:15-15:00 Coffee break, Main Auditorium foyer
15:00-17:30 Working groups
17:45-18:15 Autumn meeting of the Social Policy Association, Room C9
18:30-19:30 City of Tampere reception at Museum Centre Vapriikki, address: Alaverstaanraitti 5, Tampere
20:00-23:30 Evening entertainment at Puistotorni, ball room Konsu, address: Hämeenpuisto 28, Tampere
The Social Policy Conference dinner will be held in the ballroom Konsu on the third floor of the conference centre Puistotorni on Thursday 26 October 2023 at 20:00. It is recommended to arrive in good time. The cloakroom is opposite to the entrance when entering from Hämeenpuisto on street level. There are also toilets in the same lobby. Accessible entrance to the elevators is from Hallituskatu side of the building. The dinner menu is vegan. Drinks can be bought at own cost during the evening. DJ Samu is playing the evening’s music. After dinner at 21:30 the doors are open to all participants of the conference. Welcome!
27.10.2023 Friday
09:15 – 10:45 New books session, Auditorium A3
Autto, Janne (toim): Talouskuri tuli Suomeen, Vastapaino 2023 Koivunen, Tuija, Sippola, Markku ja Melin, Harri (toim): Työ elää — Murroksia, trendejä ja muutoksen suuntia Suomessa, Gaudeamus 2023 Sihto, Tiina & Vasara, Paula (toim,): Hoivan pimeä puoli, Gaudeamus 2023 Jokinen, Eeva, Hirvonen, Helena, Mankki, Laura, Aho, Timo ja Lehto, Iiris (toim): Gender and Welfare Service Work in Biocapitalism. Lean in Action, Routledge 2023.11:00-12:00 Lunch
12:00-13:15 Plenary 2: Panel: Economy and vulnerability, Main Auditorium
13:00-13:15 Discussion Chair: Professor Liisa Häikiö (Tampere University) Panelists: Minister of Local and Regional Government Anna-Kaisa Ikonen, Professor of Practice Juha Kaakinen (Tampere University), Researcher, Senior Auditor Olli Karsio (National Audit Office of Finland) and Associate Professor (tenure track) Mia Tammelin (Tampere University)
13:15-13:30 Good job award, The Finnish Association of Working Life, Chair Hertta Vuorenmaa
13:30-13:45 Janus-award, Delivery periods best article, Professor Tiina Silvasti (University of Jyväskylä) and Senior Researcher Maria Heiskanen (THL)
13:45-14:00 Graduate award of the Social Policy Association, Professor Anneli Anttonen
14:00 Invitation to Social Policy Conference 2024, Senior Lecturer Helena Hirvonen (University of Eastern Finland)