Pedaforum conference will take place Main building and Festia building in Hervanta campus. Lunch and coffee are served in Kampusareena restaurant.
Info desks
Info desks of the buildings are located close to the main entrances making them easy to approach also with a wheelchair. Info desks advise you on the accessibility of the building, for example, the location of accessible toilets. Campus maps are available at Info desks.
Moving around the campuses
Accessibility to all the buildings is ensured by ramps, elevators, and automatic doors. New elevators have voice control, and many elevators also have Braille buttons. On Hervanta campus, the buildings are connected to each other by an accessible internal route.
Induction loops
Most of the bigger classrooms and info have an induction loop that can be used to transfer speech wirelessly to the hearing aid. The facilities with an induction loop can be found at website. You can ask more information from the building info desk.
Conference material
Conference material for example information in the screens and the handouts are accessible. The performers are informed to prepare their material accessible as well. The keynotes are simultaneously interpreted in English and some of the workshops are in English.
Safe working and learning environment
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences are committed to providing all the members of the Tampere Universities community with a safe working and learning environment.
The members of the Tampere Universities community have the right to study and work in an environment that is safe and equal from physical, psychological, and digital perspectives. If you feel your personal safe space insulted during the event, please contact the Safety Responsible Person tel. +358505674892.
Safety in the Festia building and the Main Building
Festia is located in Hervanta Campus area in the middle of Konetalo and Tamppiareena, in address Korkeakoulunkatu 8.
Contact information: Caretaker, Festia info tel. 029 4524011
Main building is located in Hervanta Campus area, in the middle of Rakennustalo and Festia, in address Korkeakoulunkatu 10.
Contact information: Caretaker, Main building info tel. 029 4524010
More information, the Safety Responsible Person during the event:
Taru Kaera, tel. +358505674892