Instructions for presenters


The size of the poster without frames is 89x119cm and they must be accessible(see instructions below). As organizers, we provide the partitions/screens where the posters will be attached.

Presentations and Workshops

Sessions with multiple presenters, the last presenter acts as the chair of the session. If this is not suitable for some reason, please contact The materials for presentations and workshops must be accessible (see instructions below).

Performances in the Festia Iso sali lecture hall

The Festia Iso sali lecture hall will be streamed throughout the conference, so please note that there will be both live and remote audience through Zoom for your presentation.


All presentations at Pedaforum must be as accessible as possible. You can find general practical tips for accessibility on the Teaching and Learning Centre’s website.

You can also find support for creating accessible presentations on the website:

  • Text size and font type here.
  • Sufficient contrast here.
  • Remember that language must be clear and understandable to visitors. More information is available here.

Wireless guest network


  • Connect to the TUNI-GUEST network with your device.
  • Select Visitor.
  • Choose your e-mail address or phone number as the means to sign in. You can also select eduroam, which works in most academic organizations around the world with one setup.
  • Fill in the information required in the activation form (e-mail address or phone number).
  • Familiarise yourself with the Terms of use in the activation form and tick the box where you commit to adhering to the terms.
  • Choose Proceed.
  • Review that the information is correct. You will receive the activation link by e-mail or text message.
  • Choose Start temporary 15 min access to open network connection, so you can activate your connection for longer time.
  • By opening the activation link you have access to the TUNI-GUEST visitor network for 12 hours.

After the time is up, you can repeat the above steps to get connection working again.

Available materials

We have some materials that can be borrowed from our info desk in Festia’s lobby. The available materials are:

  • Whiteboard markers
  • Whiteboard paper (and magnets)
  • Post-it notes

If the necessary information is not found on this page or if something is still unclear, please contact