- I let students and staff work in peace and respect their physical and emotional boundaries. I do not touch others without their consent. I give others space and try to give everyone the chance to contribute to discussions. I respect other people’s privacy and discuss sensitive topics respectfully. I ask for space when I need it.
- I recognise the diversity of our community and value individual differences. I avoid making assumptions about others because I do not know their thoughts and experiences, personal circumstances and self-identity. I am aware that a person’s gender, sexual orientation, political orientation or nationality cannot be inferred based on physical appearance.
- I do not assume my boundaries are the same as other people’s. I respect the boundaries of others.
- I am aware of my position within the community and act responsibly in positions of authority and privilege. I do not abuse my authority.
- I value the different competencies and skills of the members of our community.
- I act respectfully in all my digital communications and interactions with others. I do not share offensive or discriminatory content on digital platforms or in physical premises.
Preventing discrimination, harassment and inappropriate behaviour
- I treat all the members of the community equally regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity, religion or beliefs, opinions, health, disability, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics.
- I appreciate others and do not belittle or embarrass them. I take care to avoid stereotypes on the basis of race, health or disability in my speech, actions and behaviours.
- I do my part to ensure our community is free from discrimination and harassment. If necessary, I ask for help from the designated persons as described in the procedure for responding to inappropriate behaviour.
Involvement and participation
- The members of the Tampere Universities community can give constructive feedback if they experience or witness inappropriate behaviour.
- If I receive feedback on my behaviour, I keep an open mind and take the feedback into account.
- I make an effort to promote everyone’s opportunity for involvement and participation through different channels and give them a chance to make their voices heard in our community.