Program 2022

MET Research Day program in pdf
Posters and poster numbers clustered according to the topic


Parallel to the program of presentations we have two exhibitions that are open for all. Poster exhibition is open on both days and Commercial exhibition is open on Friday. No registration required.

Event Place Open (for all)
Poster exhibition Arvo main lobby and the cafeteria area next to Visakorpi auditorium Thursday 24.11. 8:30 – Friday 25.11. 16:00
Commercial exhibition Arvo Yellow Hall Friday 25.11. at 9-15


Listening to the program of presentations in the Jarmo Visakorpi Auditorium requires registration (especially if you want coffee during breaks). However, if there is room in the Auditorium, you are also welcome to pop in without registration.

Time THURSDAY 24.11.2022  –  in Jarmo Visakorpi Auditorium
8:30-8:45 Opening words: Vice president for Research Tapio Visakorpi and Dean Seppo Parkkila
Chair: Prof. Pasi Kallio
8:45-9:30 Prof. Jeffrey Anker, Clemson University
The curious case of the flashing magnetic microsphere and other stories: Developing novel sensors for biomedical applications
Chair: Prof. Jari Hyttinen
9:30-10:30 MET research presentations (á 8+2 min)
Chair: Associate Prof. Oommen P. Oommen
10:30-11:00 Posters and coffee
11:00-11:45 Research highlights from MET (á 13+2 min)
Dr. Sanna Hagman Human induced pluripotent stem cells as a model to study Multiple Sclerosis pathology
Dr. Teemu Haikarainen Structure-based drug discovery
Dr. Emma Raitoharju Epigenetic profiles reflecting non-communicable diseases in population based cohorts
Chair: Associate Prof. Minni Änkö
11:45-12:30 Poster pitching session 1 (á 3 min)
Chair: Prof. Andre Ribeiro
12:30-13:30 Posters and lunch
13:30-15:00 Industry afternoonArranged by the GHW project funded by Pirkanmaan liitto
Chair: Associate Prof. Antti Vehkaoja
15:00-16:30 Poster session 1 at the poster exhibition


Time FRIDAY 25.11.2022  –  in Jarmo Visakorpi Auditorium
8:30-8:45 Opening words: Prof. Pasi Kallio
8:45-9:30 Prof. (Tenure track) Toni Seppälä, Tampere University
Organoids and circulating tumor DNA in clinical and translational research of gastrointestinal cancer
Chair: Prof. Katri Kaukinen
9:30-10:30 MET research presentations (á 8+2 min)
Chair: Dr. Jack Morikka
10:30-11:00 Industrial exhibition and coffee
11:00-11:45 Prof. Yannis Missirlis, University of Patras
Controversies and key nano insights in long standing physiological and biological dogmas
Chair: Prof. Minna Kellomäki
11:45-12:45 MET research presentations (á 8+2 min)
Chair: Associate Prof. Karolina Louvanto
12:45-13:30 Industrial exhibition, posters and lunch
13:30-14:15 Poster pitching session 2 (á 3 min)
Chair: Dr. Aleksi Reito
14:15-14:30 Best PhD thesis awards 2022, best publication award 2022 and education achievement award 2022
Chair: Dean Seppo Parkkila
14:30-16:00 Poster session 2 at the poster exhibition
18:00 Christmas party for MET Faculty members (requires separate registration)