
Poster placement

Presenters’ poster numbers

Program in pdf


Parallel to the program of presentations we have two exhibitions that are open for all. Poster exhibition is open on both days and Commercial exhibition is open on Friday. No registration required for visiting the exhibitions.

Event Place Open (for all)
Poster exhibition Close to the Visakorpi auditorium Thursday 28.11. 9:00 – Friday 29.11. 16:00
Commercial exhibition Arvo Yellow Hall Friday 29.11. at 10-15


Check the exact order of presentations within the sessions by following the links to Research presentations or Poster pitches in the program below.

Time THURSDAY 28.11.2024  –  in Jarmo Visakorpi Auditorium
Session 1: chair Professor Minna Kellomäki, co-chair Dr. Janne Koivisto
9:00-9:10 Opening Words: Dean Seppo Parkkila
9:10-9:25 Awards: PhD thesis, publication and education achievement
9:25-9:30 About practicalities: Head of the Scientific Committee, Professor Minna Kellomäki
9:30-10:30 MET Research Highlights talk: The winner of the best paper award
Research presentations (2)
Poster pitching (5)
10:30-11:00 Coffee + some of our Research to Business (R2B) projects pitching:

  • Glue4Life
  • Im.Engine
  • OrganAnalytics
Session 2: chair Assistant Professor Xin Lai, co-chair Dr. Huy Tran
11:00-12:00 Keynote 1:
Prof. Jan Hasenauer, University of Bonn: Mechanistic modelling and machine learning: A love story
Poster pitching (4)
12:00-13:00 Self-paid lunch + posters
Session 3: chair Associate Professor Minni Änkö, co-chair Timo Ahola
13:00-14:00 MET Research Highlights talk:
Senior Research Fellow Juulia Jylhävä, Systems biology of ageing group: Decoding biological aging and frailty with AI and multiomics
Research presentations (3)
Poster pitching (5)
14:00-14:15 Break
Session 4: chair Academy Research Fellow Sanna Hagman, co-chair Dr. Tanja Hyvärinen
MET Research Highlights talk:
Associate Prof. Soile Nymark, Biophysics of the eye group: Ionic activities in retinal pigment epithelium: From mechanisms to therapy development
Research presentations (3)
Poster pitching (3)
15:20-17:00 Poster session 1 (authors present at posters) & sparkling wine



Time FRIDAY 29.11.2024  –  in Jarmo Visakorpi Auditorium
Session 5: chair Associate Professor Karolina Louvanto, co-chair Nea Koskela
9:00-9:05 Opening words: Vice Dean for Research Minna Kellomäki, head of the Scientific Committee
9:05-10:20 Keynote 2:
Associate Prof. Belinda Nedjai, Queen Mary University of London: DNA methylation biomarkers for early detection, diagnosis, and prognosis of HPV-related cancer care
MET Research Highlights talk:
Dr Kaarlo Paakinaho, The story of  Biomendex
Poster pitching (5)
10:20-10:50 Coffee + some of our Research to Business (R2B) projects pitching:

  • PaMo
  • L-Cell
  • VirNE
  • MindFlow
Session 6: chair Professor Minna Kellomäki, co-chair Dr. Janne Koivisto
10:50-11:50 Keynote 3:
Assistant Professor Andrew Daly, University of Galway: Bioprinting models of the human heart at CÚRAM, the Research Ireland Centre for Medical Devices
Poster pitching (5)
11:50-12:40 Self-paid lunch
12:40-13:40 Visiting Commercial exhibition at Yellow Hall + coffee
Session 7: chair University Lecturer Mari Pekkanen-Mattila, co-chair Dr. Sweeta Akbari
13:40-14:25 Research presentations (3)
Poster pitching (5)
14:25-14:30 Closing words: Vice Dean for Research Minna Kellomäki
14:35-16:00 Poster session 2 (authors present at posters) & sparkling wine