Session 4 IREC

Friday 16th September, 9.00 - 10.45

Theme sessions and presentations

Collective organisations in a disorganised labour market, part 2/2 (Chairs: Gumbrell-McCormick, Hyman, Melin)

  1. Bembič: Industrial relations in foreign owned MNCs in Slovenia: a case of decline or revitalisation of trade unions?
  2. Canzio: What do unions do to temporary workers’ wages? Evidence from Spain, before and during the 2008 financial crisis
  3. Marcolin & Gasparri: How does digitalisation affect industrial relations in the retail sector, and vice-versa? Evidence from Italy and Spain
  4. Brandl: Trade Unions’ Rage Against the Machine? The Role of Industrial Relations for the Use of Digital Technology

Remote work and well-being during COVID-19, part 2/2  (Chairs: Mäkikangas, de Bloom)

  1. Haapakorpi et al.: Agency and well-being in the cultural sector – interrelations and variations?
  2. Pietiläinen: Challenges in work life balance among employed women and men in Finland during Covid-19
  3. Ruohomäki et al.: Remote work, satisfaction, and well-being of employees during COVID-19
  4. Hartikainen & Pihlaja: The impact of COVID-19 on teachers’ perceived brain health
  5. Sjöblom et al.: Psychological safety as a boundary condition for self-leadership – the importance of goal-oriented and well-being-related self-leadership strategies in the context of enforced remote work

Supporting learning and meaning at work (Chair: Rantanen)

  1. Neves et al.: Engaging managers with online learning in a context of COVID uncertainty: challenges and opportunities
  2. Tikkamäki et al.: Learning and developing resilience in the hotel and restaurant business
  3. Järvinen: On supervising doctoral thesis
  4. Rantanen et al.: The Vocational Meaning and Fulfilment Survey (VMFS) – A new and practical tool to foster meaning in work

Technologies Shaping Work in the 2020’s, part 2/2 (Chair: Turja)

  1. Kaasinen et al.: Industry 4.0/5.0 influence on factory floor jobs
  2. Levä: Mapping the Micropolitics of LSD Microdosing as a New Semiocultural Technology in Future Knowledge Work
  3. Lloyd et al.: What next for unions? Comparing approaches to digitalisation in banking and retail in Norway and the UK