Guidelines for presentations
Each presentation will last 20-25 minutes including time for questions. The length of the presentation depends on the number of presentations in your session, the session chair will provide guidance on this. The session chair will introduce each presenter and ensure that presentations are kept to time. All presentations must be supported by Microsoft Power Point. Please take your presentation directly to the room allocated for your presentation, where you will be assisted in copying it onto the computer of the session chair, prior to the start of your session. Alternatively, you can send your presentation beforehand to the session chair via email.
No paper materials are needed. If someone is interested in a specific presentation, it is suggested to ask for the materials to be shared via email after the session.
Guidelines for session chairs
Check the conference programme for the time allotted for your session and inform presenters about the maximum length of the presentation. Bring your own laptop to the presentation room, as there are no stationary computers in the rooms. Please ensure that all presentations are downloaded to your computer at the beginning of the session. It is not recommended to change the order of presentations listed in the congress programme. Please take care of the schedule and preferably leave some time before the next session.
Please try to avoid going overtime so that the participants may have enough time for the transition between events.