Session 2 IREC

Thursday 15th September, 10.30 - 12.30

Theme sessions and presentations

Dimensions and trends in representation (Chairs: Rego, Costa)

  1. Bergholm: Reluctant Vanguard? Communist Party and Finnish Building Workers’ Unions 1949-1973
  2. Connolly et al.: Neoliberalism by stealth? The impact of the 2017 labour reforms on unions and social dialogue in France
  3. Soeiro: The representation of precarious workers: two case studies from portugal
  4. Rego & Espirito-Santo: Beyond Density: Improving European Labor Unions’ Representativeness through Gender Quotas
  5. Mrozowiski & Czarzasty: Searching for a cure: social dialogue and the (post-)pandemic socio-economic crisis in Poland

Work and working conditions in the platform economy, part 2/2 (Chairs: Pulignano, Tijdens)

  1. Koutsimpogiorgos et al.: “Pulling the brake!” Institutional Reaction to Uber’s Entry
  2. Muszynski et al.: It Takes Three to Tango: Bargaining Power in Online Freelancing Platform Work
  3. Seo: Autonomy paradox: do gig workers actually have control over their working hours?
  4. Seppänen et al.: Digital agency promoting online platform workers’ learning, well-being and voice
  5. Immonen: Justifications for online labour platform management

Gender, power & industrial relations, part 1/2 (Chair: Mustosmäki)

  1. Czarzasty et al.: Industrial relations and gender equality, the perspective of Poland
  2. DeStefanis: The role of Trade Unions in the Promotion of Gender Equity in the Building Industry: a Scoping Review
  3. Lemeire & Zanoni: The role of consensus in the transformation of labour market institutions: The evolution of gender equality frames in Belgian social dialogue since 1950

Participation and inclusion in working life and the labour market, part 2/2 (Chairs Kärrylä, Kettunen)

  1. Larjovuori: ”This is not my company after all” – balancing efforts and rewards in self-managing organisations
  2. Launonen & Kostamo: Marxian or Bismarckian? Challenges of participation in new modes of organising
  3. Sutela: Gendered impact of the COVID-19 crisis on employment in Finland
  4. Urrila: Being a follower-focused leader? Leadership practices of mindfulness-trained leaders intending to serve the team
  5. Björk: Bottom-Up Interventions Effective in Promoting Work Engagement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis