
Programme for Geography Days 2022 and its Pre-conference events (minor changes possible)


Wednesday 2 November

10:00-17:00 Doctoral student intensive course (Pinni A3020)

19:00 Open protest pub panel on Displaced University (Ravintola Telakka Restaurant)


GEOGRAPHY DAYS’ PROGRAMME (download programme)

Download abstract book


Thursday 3 November

9:00-10:00 Registeration (Pinni B entrance hall)

10:00-10:15 Opening words (Pinni B1100 auditorium)
– Chair of the organizing committee Jouni Häkli
– Greetings from Tampere University, Johanna Kujala (Vice Dean for Research, Faculty of Management and Business)
– Finnish Geographical Society, chair Joni Vainikka

10:15-12:15 Keynote lectures (Pinni B1100 auditorium)
– Ilse van Liempt (Utrecht University): “Becoming Part of the City: Local Emplacement After Forced Displacement” (Fennia lecture with Aura Lounasmaa and Mélodine Sommier as discussants)
– Sara Fregonese (University of Birmingham): Shockwaves

12:15-13:30 Lunch break

13:30-15:10 Sessions (slot 1)

15:10-15:30 Coffee break

15:30-17:10 Sessions (slot 2)

17:10-18:00 Business meetings

19:00 Conference dinner (Juhlatila Konsu, Hämeenpuisto 28)


Friday 4 November 2022

10:00-12:00 Keynote lectures (Pinni B1100 auditorium)
– Päivi Kymäläinen (Tampere University): “Urban Peripheries and the Right to Suburban Space”
– Natalie Oswin (University of Toronto): Social Junk

12:00-13:00 Lunch break

13:00-14:40 Sessions (slot 3)

14:45 Closing words with greetings from the hosts of Geography Days 2023 delivered by Moritz Albrecht (Pinni B1100 auditorium)