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Alueellinen oikeudenmukaisuus yhteiskunnan siirtymissä

Session language(s): Suomi
Organizer(s): Venla Heiskanen (, Olli Lehtonen (

Alueellinen oikeudenmukaisuus voidaan määritellä esimerkiksi resurssien ja mahdollisuuksien oikeudenmukaisena alueellisena jakautumisena. Aihetta käsittelevää kirjallisuutta on ilmestynyt runsaasti viime vuosina.  Alueellisen oikeudenmukaisuuden käsittely on keskittynyt paljolti urbaaneihin ympäristöihin, mutta varsinkin tuoreimmasta tutkimuksesta löytyy myös alueellisen oikeudenmukaisuuden tarkastelua maaseudun kontekstissa kytkeytyen erilaisiin infrastruktuurin ja palvelujen saatavuuteen liittyviin kysymyksiin. Yhteiskunnan tuotoksina syntyvissä maantieteellisissä järjestyksissä sijainnilla on aina merkitystä. Siihen on aina kytkeytynyt suhteellisesti joko etuja tai haittoja, joilla voi olla myös epäoikeudenmukaisia ja riistäviä, ajan ja tapahtumien myötä kumuloituvia vaikutuksia. Alueellisen oikeudenmukaisuuden huomioiminen yhteiskunnan taloudellisissa ja teknologissa siirtymissä on tärkeää.  Työryhmään toivotaan esityksiä, joissa pohditaan tai analysoidaan alueelliseen oikeudenmukaisuuteen liittyviä teemoja laadullisin tai määrällisin menetelmin. Ajankohtaisia aiheita ovat esimerkiksi energian tuotantoon, terveyspalveluiden toteuttamiseen, koulutuksen keskittymiseen tai monipaikkaisuuteen kytkeytyvät kysymykset alueellisesta oikeudenmukaisuudesta.


Collective reflections on researching and acting on displacement: methodologies, ethics, and practices

Session language(s): English
Organizer(s): Camilla Marucco ( and Leonardo Custódio (

All researchers exploring displacement face ethical, methodological, and practical questions, such as: How am I positioned vis-á-vis the phenomena I study as researcher, person, activist, other? (England 1994) How to do rigorous research and support the causes of displaced research subjects? (Jacobsen & Landau 2003). In this workshop, we collectively discuss how these and other questions can tackled in ethical and effective ways. We welcome students and researchers embracing activist-research approaches broadly understood, i.e. designing and conducting research in open ways, seeking the reasons behind displacements, and aiming to contribute to struggles for equality and justice (Hale 2001).


Colonial Geographies of Disruption / Disruptions of Colonial Geographies

Session language(s): English
Organiser(s): Tiina Järvi, (, Mikko Joronen ( and Mark Griffiths (

This session aims to examine ways in which colonial structures, legacies and forms of violence operate by creating disruption(s), but also how these colonial geographies are disrupted by practices aiming for decolonisation. We are particularly interested in papers exploring disruptive temporalities of violence – ranging from abrupt events to slowly encroaching modes of bureaucratic, legal or unspectacular disruptions – and their interaction with different forms of space-making. This can include various aspects of material politics, home/unhomeliness, mundane ways of being cut-off from the (life)world, failures, and questions around health, affects and everyday encounters. We welcome contributions that consider the commingling of disruption, colonialism and politics in different sites (e.g., the Middle East, Americas, Oceania) and in relation to different forms of the colonial (settler, neo-, military-, imperial- etc.).


Etsimässä yhteisöllisyyden reunaehtoja 2020-luvun maailmassa:  paikkaperustaisuus kaupungeissa ja maaseuduilla

Session language(s): Suomi
Organizer(s): Ilkka Luoto ( and Hanna Heino (

Työryhmässä tarkastellaan alueyhteisöjä, jotka ovat kuntia, kaupunginosia, lähiöitä, kyliä tai miksipä ei myös vapaa-ajan paikkoja. Yleisesti ottaen alueiden käyttö liittyy elämäntilanteisiin ja vaiheisiin sekä tarpeisiin, joiden mukaisesti paikkoihin muodostuu toiminnallisia, hallinnallisia ja emotionaalisia siteitä. Asuinpaikan valinta ei välttämättä ole vapaaehtoista, vaan useiden tekijöiden sanelemaa. Voidaankin kysyä, millaiset reunaehdot määrittelevät 2020-luvulla yhteisöllisyyttä ja osallisuutta. Mikä on alueiden ja paikkojen rooli tässä asiassa? Siirtymät ja murrokset tuovat korostetusti esiin ongelmien, mutta myös mahdollisuuksien paikallistumisen. Yhteisöllisyys on voimavara sekä yksilöille että paikalle. Toisaalta yhteisöllisyyden puute hankaloittaa paikkaperustaista kehittämistä. Työryhmäämme ovat tervetulleita esitykset, joissa paikkaperustaisuus esittäytyy alueiden käyttöä kannattelevina osallisuuden, toiminnan ja mielikuvien suhteistoina.


Human geographical research of future technologies: from processes to societies

Session language(s): English
Organizer(s): Thomas Berhndt (, Johanna Hautala (, Paulina Nordström ( and Roosa Wingström (

Societies, regions, and various spatial processes from arts, innovation, education, urban planning, to governance are transforming through future technologies, such as self-learning artificial intelligence (AI), robots, digital platforms and virtual realities. Future technologies, often developed from the perspective of human empowerment, can perform tasks that are difficult or time-consuming for humans. This concerns, for example, automatization of labour, analyzing massive amounts of data, creating virtual meeting spaces to reduce human mobility and to enable (multi)presence regardless of place. This session aims to collect researchers who are working with the topic of future technologies. The session is open to a wide range of topics, covering discussions on the social, economic, political and/or ethical implications of the future technologies.  Some questions that are of interest, for example: How are future technologies applied in spatial processes like arts, innovation, urban planning, regional development and governance? What kinds of possibilities and challenges exist? How are society, regions, and different spatial processes transformed through future technologies? What kind of new spatialities the future technologies bring about (e.g., virtual spaces, the ‘metaverse’, multipresence)? What ethical questions should be considered when applying new technologies in governance, education, surveillance, art, etc.?


Information, innovation and technology geographies

Session language(s): Suomi/English
Organizer(s): Tommi Inkinen (

This session aims at providing openings and studies on 1) geographical technologies and innovation, 2) knowledge based growth and 3) policy analyses. Knowledge creation and innovation systems show that knowledge transfer processes and innovation system practices are spatially interlinked. Local action can be regionally, nationally or internationally motivated. In order to cope with the dynamics of spatial development and growth, it is important to have both a theoretical and empirical understanding of the spatial processes. The session welcomes both theoretical and empirical studies and discussions. The session is associated with IGU commission 20.16 (Geography of Information, Innovation, and Technology).


Imaginary, discursive or real transition? From exclusive to inclusive and expert-oriented to a more diverse policy – geographies of innovation

Session language(s): English
Organizer(s): Kaisa Lähteenmäki-Smith ( and Kirsi Siltanen (

This session will centre around a Nordic project AGDA, which brings into sharper focus the gender-paradoxes of innovation, especially in the area of green transition. AGDA provides a knowledge base and a shared platform for co-creating better practices for inclusion, diversity and gender equality through processes of programme ideation, design and implementation across the Nordic countries. The session proposed will bring together practitioners and researchers interested in spatial and geographic aspects of innovation policy, gender and diversity and its paradoxes, from the project partners (from Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland), as well as other researchers and practitioners.


Mining activities and future transitions

Session language(s): English
Organizer(s): Toni Eerola (

In this session the tension between global transitions and local mining activities will be discussed. Mining activities and future transitions are a web of controversies and complex interdependencies. Green energy transition and transition to low-carbon society can only be achieved if raw materials are sourced in responsibly and sustainably. Many solutions will turn to problems. Electrification of traffic mitigates climate change, but the increasing extraction of critical materials seriously harm nature and local communities. How to solve this complex problem? Researchers from different disciplines are welcomed to discuss and debate about the wide variety of matters relating to session theme.


Minoritization and spaces of difference

Session language(s): English
Organizer(s): Mélodine Sommier ( and Derek Ruez (

Attention to intersecting axes of differentiation such as race, ethnicity, language, gender, religion, sexuality, disability, and class is crucial to understanding contemporary geographies of minoritization and displacement. This session welcomes theoretical or empirical presentations examining how these intersections materialize in space, as well as how they are experienced or understood in spatial terms.  Key questions include (but are not limited to): 1)How are representations of race, gender, sexuality etc. articulated in and through space? How are they (re)produced and challenged? 2)How are processes of minoritization materialized in space, and how do minoritized people experience or produce space?


Nature-based recreation and changing ways of using and experiencing nature

Session language(s): Suomi/English
Organizer(s): Riikka Puhakka (, Nora Fagerholm ( and Kati Pitkänen (

Ways of using and experiencing nature are increasingly diversified as the society is becoming more urban and multi-cultural. While visitor numbers have increased in green areas, nature-based recreation is seen as one possible solution to promote health and well-being, social integration and raise interest in caring for the environment. Increased visitor numbers may lead to diversification of visitor characteristics but also to growing use pressure. Sustainable tourism and recreation necessitate the consideration of diverse uses, experiences, knowledge and values. This session welcomes presentations on nature-based tourism and recreation as well as diverse ways of experiencing, sensing and knowing of nature.


Open science paradigm in Geography – opportunities, impacts and risks

Session language(s): Suomi/English
Organizer(s): Antti Vasanen (, Niina Käyhkö ( and Nora Fagerholm (

Open Science has created new ways of practicing geographical research and diversified the ways we can increase societal impacts of scientific research process. What is the role of Geography in this transformative process, and what does Open Science mean for us? What are the new opportunities and what type of new challenges and risks are we confronting? In this session, we engage our speakers and audience through a series of short ignite presentations and a roundtable discussion into a dialogue where we share everyday practical experiences of open science in Geography.


Politics of (forced) migration: policy, agency, portrayals, and everyday life

Session language(s): English
Organizer(s): Gintarė Kudžmaitė ( and Aura Lounasmaa (

Migration as a process and phenomenon is impacted by different dimensions of our societies, including policies, activist and humanitarian practices, the media and the everyday. However, although the focus of attention in migration discourses are people on the move, their presence as actors and persons is often neglected. For instance, seemingly neutral migration policies often fail to recognize the agency of migrants, reducing them to a manageable mass, and avoiding encountering them as subjects. The media also frequently place migrants in simplified frames (threat, victim) and widely reproduce these tropes instead of focusing on the complexity of migration and migrants’ lives. This session explores practices that deprive migrants of agency but also highlights how these can be challenged by research and activism.


Spatio-temporal analyses of displacement, refuge and citizenship

Session language(s): Suomi/English
Organizer(s): Camilla Marucco ( and Eveliina Lyytinen (

This open workshop explores burgeoning spatio-temporal analyses of displacements, refuge and citizenship broadly understood. Temporality is a well-established field in refugee studies: much of the existing research examines waiting in limbo, acceleration and slowness of asylum processes, or slow forms of violence. As to space, researchers have explored the nature of refugeehood in relation to territorially defined notions of nation state and identity, and the spatiality of refugee protection. However, the temporalities and spaces of the ends of refugeehood remain mostly unexplored. Conversely, spaces and spatialities of citizenship have been largely researched, but temporalities of citizenship and its co-constitutive relation with refugeehood should be understood better. We welcome presentations – empirical, methodological or theoretical – covering both space/spatiality and time/temporality.


The history and future of air maidan as a venue of displacement

Session language(s): English
Organizer(s): Zeynep Ceren Correia (

Activists blockading Stansted’s runaway, an infant boy handed to a soldier across an airport wall in Kabul, and the obstruction of a coach transporting Rwandan asylum seekers to Heathrow by protestors against their deportation are recent examples of the emerging prospect of the airport as a venue of displacement. Drawing from the concept of ‘air maidan’ (Correia, 2018), this session will explore the history and future of the airports as a venue of deportable subjects, precarious populations and protests against these brutal actions.


The moral geographies of the spaces and people in transition

Session language(s): English
Organizer(s): Riina Lundman ( and Päivi Kymäläinen (

Societal changes often involve moral causes and consequences that are spatial in their nature. The geographies of ethics can be adopted to study a variety of dynamic phenomena, and geography itself is a discipline that occasionally requires ethical evaluation. In other words, moral geographies matter both within geography and beyond. To this working group, we invite theoretically and/or empirically sound presentations about the moral (but not moralistic!) geographies of spaces and people in transition. Here are some suggestions for further topics: Theories of spatial justice, care, and responsibility, Ethical urban and/or regional planning, Ethics and the everyday life, Morality and forced migration, Environmental activism, Research ethics. The session is organized by the JUSTSPACES network at TAU.


Tutkitun tiedon kääntämisen taito

Session language(s): Suomi
Organizer(s): Anna-Kaisa Kuusisto (, Pia Bäcklund ( and Vesa Kanninen (

Tässä työryhmässä tarkastelemme tutkitun tiedon politiikkarelevanssia ja tiedon kääntämisen prosesseja. Akateemisen tutkimuksen tuottama tieto ei aina ole sellaisenaan sovellettavissa yhteiskunnallisten ongelmien ratkaisuun. Vaikka erilaiset rahoitusinstrumentit korostavat tutkimuksen käytännön hyötyjen osoittamista jo rahoituksen hakuvaiheessa, varsinaisesta tiedon kääntämisestä puhutaan yhä harvoin. Tiedon kääntämisellä emme tarkoita yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun osallistumista viestinnällisestä näkökulmasta, vaan tutkimustulosten jalkauttamista osaksi yhteiskuntapoliittisia käytäntöjä. Pyydämme esitelmöitsijöitä pohtimaan esityksissään käytännön esimerkkejä hyödyntäen, mitä tutkitun tiedon kääntämisen prosessi edellyttää? Millaisia vaiheita ja toimijoita siihen liittyy? Miten kääntämisen eettiset kysymykset tulee huomioida? Millä mittakaavatasoilla kääntäminen on mahdollista? Miten hahmottaa politiikkaprosessi johon tiedon kääntäminen kohdistuu? Entä kuinka tunnistetaan tiedon jalkauttamisen tulokset, ja miten tämä kehittää tutkimusta?


Tunteiden maantiede ja affektien tilallisuus / Geographies of emotions and spatialities of affect

Session language(s): Suomi/English
Organizer(s): Marika Kettunen (, Johanna Sitomaniemi-San ( and Juha Ridanpää (

Monenkirjavat yhteiskuntatieteelliset ja affektiteoreettiset näkökulmat tarjoavat myös maantieteilijöille uusia tapoja tarkastella tunteiden ja affektiivisuuden kytköksiä niin aikaan, paikkaan ja tilaan kuin ruumiillisuuteen, materiaalisuuteen, diskursiivisuuteen ja kokemuksellisuuteen. Työryhmä kartoittaa tunteiden ja affektien tutkimuksen nykytilaa maantieteen kentällä ja toivottaa tervetulleeksi eri näkökulmista tunteita ja affektiivisuutta tarkastelevat esitykset. Kutsumme mukaan puheenvuoroja, joissa tarkastellaan tunteita ja affekteja niin Maantieteen päivien teeman – moninaisten yhteiskunnallisten transitioiden sekä pakotetun siirtymisen ilmiöiden – kautta kuin sen ulkopuoleltakin. Työryhmään sopivat niin käsitteelliset, teoreettiset kuin empiirisetkin esitykset. Erityisen tervetulleita ovat tieteidenväliset näkökulmat.   //

Multiple social and affect theories offer geographers new ways of considering how emotions and affects connect to time, space, place, embodiment, materiality, discursivity and experience. The session is interested in mapping the current state of research into emotions and affect in the field of geography. The theme group accommodates presentations that examine emotions and affect both beyond and within the conference theme of displacement, transitions, and forced mobility. Conceptual, theoretical, empirical, and interdisciplinary perspectives are all welcome.


Urban life in a climate crisis: Attitudes, anxieties, anticipation and the felt geographies of change

Session language(s): Suomi/English
Organizer(s): Joni Vainikka (

We are facing a double bind. The energy transition, with associated and parallel geopolitical disputes, has fuelled inflation and pushed societies to reconfigure energy networks and security. At the same time, the climate crisis is turning some cities unliveable for the summer and increasing the possibility of extreme weather. Decarbonizing our cities is urgent to avoid substantial crisis. While households and communities are shifting to non-fossil living and mobility structures, the danger is even further marginalization of (sub)urban spaces and regions due to housing costs and different energy consumption and production practices. At the European level, winter heating and summer cooling have risen from cautious questions of social cohesion to prime questions of social order. Anxiety over the costs of temperature control is a political issue that cuts deep into sociospatial justice and territorial functionality. Finland has committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2035, but what kind of social trajectories are visible for urban life until the energy transition becomes par with environmental sustainability? What are people willing to do in order to decarbonize urban and suburban spaces, and how is such transition administered in a socially and spatially equitable way? How do people from different socioeconomic backgrounds cope with ever warming planet. In this session, we discuss, for example, the attitudes toward the climate crisis, anxieties over a changing climate, the anticipation of urban housing and mobility practices and ideals and the felt geographies of change. We invite presenters and the audience to think how can geographers help with the energy transition and the prospect of even longer summer and other unforeseeable weather pattern changes in the long term and welcome papers and discussion that could contribute to solving wicked problems associated with the climate crisis and climate justice.


Vesi ja ympäristö / Water and environment

Session language(s): Suomi/English
Organizer(s): Petteri Alho (

Vesi on elinehto kaikelle elolliselle. Työryhmässä vettä, vesistöjä ja meriä tarkastellaan monitahoisesti ml. vesiympäristöjen muutostutkimuksen, ekosysteeemipalvelut ja vesistöihin liittyvät uhat.


Poetics of everyday embodied encounters in research with (forced) migrants

Workshop language(s): English – an open workshop, not for paper presentations
Organizer(s): Aura Lounasmaa ( with Gintarė Kudžmaitė, Nicholas Haswell, Yelyzaveta Glybchenko and Sonia Quintero / Newham Poetry Group

Artistic expression has the capacity to evoke and connect with emotion and affect. Collaborative artistic practices, such as life-writing, poetry, visual arts and film offer an alternative to extractive research methods, and their use of multimodality can help research participants overcome linguistic and communicative barriers and connect with everyday embodied experiences that elude narration. In this experimental workshop we invite participants to discover, observe and take part in collaborative research practices using poetry and visual arts and reflect on their potential in research and community building.