Welcome to the 34th Finnic Phonetics Symposium!

The 34th Finnic Phonetics Symposium will be hosted by Tampere University 19–20 August 2021. The Finnic Phonetics Symposium (Fonetiikan päivät / Foneetika päevad) is a conference on phonetics research and the study of spoken language held annually at various universities in Finland and Estonia. Research into speech technology and clinical phonetics has also been strongly featured at these conferences. The scientific program of the event consists of presentations and posters dealing with phonetics research and the conference audience will consist mainly of researchers, teachers and students in phonetics, linguistics, speech therapy and speech technology.

Important dates

  • Registration closed: 12 August 2021
  • Phonetics Symposium: 19–20 August 2021


The preliminary program for the symposium can be found here.

Abstracts can be found here. (changes possible)


Registration is now closed.

Because the symposium is being held virtually (online), there is no registration fee. Participants that paid a fee in 2020 should ask for a refund using using this online refund form.
(Unfortunately refunds are not automatic.)

Instructions for presenters

All presentations will be given online using Zoom (the link will be sent to registered participants later). Presenters should make sure their equipment has a working microphone and video camera. Pictures and videos can also be presented using screen sharing in Zoom. Presentations last a maximum of 20 minutes, after which 10 minutes are reserved for discussion.

Presenters should be on hand about 10 minutes before their session begins, so that a conference assistant can make sure the presenter’s audio, video and screen sharing are working properly.

Each session has a chair, who is responsible for briefly introducing each presenter and being in charge of the discussion after each presentation. Conference assistants will take care of spotlighting the presenter for the audience during the presentation. The assistants will also ensure that presenters stay within the time allotted. After the presentation, presenters have the opportunity to answer questions raised by participants. Participants can ask questions by writing their questions in the chat window or asking for permission to speak by writing TURN in the chat. The session chair is responsible for giving the floor to askers of questions and also for ensuring that the total time allotted for the session is not exceeded.

The poster session will be held Thursday (Aug. 19, 2021) in Zoom. At the beginning of the poster session each poster presenter will have the oppotunity to give a brief (max. 2 min) speech introducing their poster. After these introductory speeches presenters will go to breakout rooms, one for each poster, where they can display the poster using Zoom’s screen sharing and discuss the poster with conference participants that visit the various poster rooms.

Before the beginning of the poster session conference assistants will make sure that presenters’ audio, video, and screen sharing is functioning properly.

In addition to the poster session, all posters will be available on the conference website until the end of the conference for viewing by participants. For this purpose poster files (preferably pdf) should be emailed as soon as possible (Aug. 16 at the latest) to michael.odell@tuni.fi.