

Wednesday 23rd November

PhD workshop 17:00-20:00

Thursday 24th November

Keynote sessions: Pinni B1100

9:15    Registration, coffee

10:00 Opening of the colloquium

Keynote session I

Senior Lecturer Jens Lachmund, Maastricht University:

“Knowledge-making and practice-shaping in urban agriculture: City farming and community growing  In London 1970s-2010s.”

Keynote session II

Professor Sina Leipold, UFZ Leipzig & University of Jena: “Politics of the circular economy”

12:00 Luch, Minerva, Pinni B

13:30-17:30 Working group sessions

17:30-18:30 YHYS annual meeting (room Pinni B 3109)

19:00 Dinner in restaurant Muusa

Friday 25th November

9:00-11:00 Working group sessions + Offsetting game session (max 12 participants) / Nina V. Nygren (room Pinni B 3110)

11:00-12:00 Lunch

12:00-14.00 Keynotes, room Pinni B1100

Keynote session III

Senior Lecturer Stephanie Lavau, University of Melbourne:

“The platypus, the talking tank, and the sociologist: Engaging with the social life of urban water infrastructure.”

Keynote session IV

Associate Professor David Laws, University of Amsterdam:

“When messes become hot: How affect and conflict shape the implementation of policies for sustainability”

14:00 Coffee

14:30-15:30 Video essay  & concluding remarks

Pira Cousin: Disappearing rocks, mountains. The film discusses the relationship between the modern human and nature. 18 minutes.