
Due to pandemic Covid-19  situation, it has been decided to cancel the Sino-Nordic Innovation Forum

However, you are welcome to join  two other virtual events:

The 18th Triple Helix Conference – Future of Innovation and Innovation for Future, 15-16 June 2020 

HLX4EU Jean Monnet Workshop: Socially Responsible Entrepreneurial University, 17, June 2020 



Important dates

27 December 2019:  Submission website opens for abstract submission (300-500 words)

15, April 2020:  Abstract submission deadline

2, April 2020:  Forum acceptance notification

1, May 2020:  Full Paper/Poster submission deadline (optional)

31, May 2020: Forum  power point presentation slides submission deadline

15-16, June 2020:   Forum dates: paper presentation

17-20, June 2020:  Optional events and post-forum visits

Draft Forum programme

15th of June, Day 1

13:00-14:30 Opening session

14:30: 15:00 Keynote speech session  (Three keynotes)

15:00-15:30 Coffee break

15:30-17:00 Keynote speech session (Three keynotes)

17:00-18:00  Panel discussions on Sino-Nordic Innovation Cooperation

19:00-21:00 Reception hosted by the City of Tampere (Together with Triple Helix Conference delegates)

16th of June, Day 2 (in conjunction with Triple Helix Conference)

8:30-9:15 Keynote speech by one representative from the public sector by Martin Kenney (Triple Helix Conference)

9:15-10:00 Keynote speech by Joanna Chataway (Triple Helix Conference)

10:00-10:30  Coffee break/Poster presentations

10:30-12:00  presentations in parallel tracks/round table discussions (4 speakers in each track; 15m presentation+5m Q&A) total 28 speakers  + 5 tracks for Sino-Nordic Innovation Forum

12.00-13.15 Lunch Break/poster presentation

13:15-14:45  presentations in parallel tracks

14:45-15:15 Coffee break/poster presentation

15:15-16:45  presentations in parallel  tracks

16:45-17:45 Panel discussion (Triple Helix Conference)

19:00-21:30 Gala Dinner

17th of June, Day 3

9:00-10:00 Visiting Demola

10:30-12:00 Site visit