
Mikaela von Bonsdorff is a Professor of Gerontology and Public Health at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. She also leads a research group on social gerontology in the public health programme at Folkhälsan Research Center, Helsinki. Professor von Bonsdorff focuses on investigating healthy and active ageing from a life course perspective.

Sari Stenholm is a Professor of public health and epidemiology at the Unit of Public Health, University of Turku, Finland. Her research interests include life-long determinants of healthy aging, especially related to health behaviors and work-related factors; retirement transition; healthy life expectancy; and working life expectancy.

Kaarina Korhonen is a postdoctoral researcher at the Helsinki Institute for Demography and Population Health, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland. PhD Korhonen has a background in sociology and demography, with a research focus on socioeconomic inequality in health and mortality among ageing populations. Her work primarily involves analysing register-based data to explore health and mortality patterns, as well as the social and health determinants influencing the use of residential long-term care among older adults.

Seppo Koskinen is a research Professor at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. His research interests include health and functioning of the population and its subgroups, their determinants, development and future prospects. Koskinen has led several surveys and studies on these topics, and participated in many others, both nationally and internationally. In addition to preparing study protocols, obtaining funding for their realization and supervising the data collection phase, he has worked on data management and analysis as well as reporting, and dissemination of the results, and on developing the service system and welfare policy in general on the basis of the results.