The organizers of the workshop would like to sincerely thank all the speakers and students who participated in the workshop Institutions in Context: The Welfare State. A special thanks goes again to the funder; the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation.

Special thanks to the speakers of 2011
Barbara Barrett, United States Ambassador to Finland from 2008 to 2009, Professor Katerina Sherstyuk, economics University of Hawaii, Robin Lunge, member of the Legislative Council in the U.S. State of Vermont, Professor William Heller, political science Binghamton University, Professor Lane Kenworthy, sociology University of Arizona, Anneli Duffin, teacher and chair of Special Education Dunsten Middle School, Colorado, Professor Melissa Marshall, political science ,Rice University, Professor Montgomery Van Wart, public administration California State San Bernardino, Professor Lawrence Brown, public health Columbia University, Professor Henry Milner, political science University of Montreal, Professor Cathie Jo Martin, political science Boston University, Susan Bartlett, Special Assistant to Governor Shumlin of Vermont, Professor Hannu Vartiainen, economics, University of Helsinki, Doctor Outi Laine, Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Hematology, Tampere University Hospital, Professor Heikki Ervasti, political sociology, University of Turku, Professor Pauli Kettunen, history, University of Helsinki, Professor Arja Rimpelä, medical science University of Tampere, Professor Eero Ropo, education University of Tampere, Hannele Loponen, teacher Tammelan Koulu, Tampere, Lasse Loponen, principal of Vehmainen Koulu, Tampere, Professor Eeva Hujala, education University of Tampere, Professor Markku Sotarauta, political science University of Tampere, Professor Pertti Koistinen, sociology, University of Tampere, Professor Katri Sieberg, North American Studies University of Tampere.
Special thanks to the students of 2011
Benjamin Andrus, political science, Binghamton University, Matthew E. Bergman, political science, UC San Diego, Courage Bobong Fon, sociology, University of Tampere, Mathias Ebot, sociology, University of Eastern Finland, Diego Fossati, political science, Cornell University, Diego Grijalva, economics, UC Irvine, Jason Hecht, political science, Cornell University, Markus Kantola, political science, University of Turku, Ryan Kendall, economics, UC Irvine, Marc-Antoine Le Page, management, University of Tampere, Matthew Maguire, political science, Boston University, Andreea Meierean, political science, Boston University, John Marshall, political science, Harward University, Tomas Masar, history, University of Tampere, Nadja Mäkelä, history, University of Helsinki, Pasi Nevalainen, political science, University of Turku, Katri Otonkorpi-Lehtoranta, sociology, University of Tampere, Sierra Powell, political science, UC Irvine, Anna Tatlock, Sociology, UC Irvine, Liina-Kaisa Tynkkynen, health science, University of Tampere, Juha Ylisalo, political science, University of Turku, Jaana Minkkinen, Sociology, University of Tampere.