Welcome to the 2025 edition of WIPHAL’25 workshop: Work-in-Progress in Hardware and Software for Location Computation to consider and discuss reliable navigation, ranging and positioning in indoor and outdoor, vehicular applications, wireless networks, wearables and consumer products.

Since 2020, ICL-GNSS is also hosting a track for industry/work-in-progress papers. It runs as an interleaved workshop WIPHAL: Work-in-Progress in Hardware and Software for Location Computation. The papers accepted to the workshop will be submitted to the CEUR-WS.org, an open-access repository indexed by Scopus, Ei Compendex and DBLP. For those proceedings, minimum 5-page single-column format will be used. All papers submitted to WIPHAL will undergo a similar peer review based on the full-length paper.

Note: WIPHAL uses the following Template CEUR-WS, via CEUR-WS guidelines.


Navigation and positioning are becoming essential when guaranteeing transparent, efficient and reliable workflows. A robust localization solution, which will be available continuously is needed regardless outdoor and indoor, and on different platforms. WIPHAL addresses the latest research on software and hardware approaches of wireless and satellite-based positioning and ranging techniques to analyze and provide reliable and accurate position information with low latency. During the workshop days we will have an intensive look to GNSS technologies and applications, as well as an outlook to various wireless technologies as enabler for precise and real-time localization.


In order to include your paper in the CEUR WiP proceedings, please, check that you have completed the following list.

  1. Use the Template CEUR-WS.
  2. The minimum length of a regular paper should be five pages in one column format.
  3. At least one author should have a dblp record of 5+.
  4. The title of the paper should use the emphasizing capitalized style, i.e., “Very Important Industrial Paper for the Major Field and Other Less Important Field”. Use full names, i.e., “Donald Knuth”.
  5. Use vector or at least 300 dpi graphics!
  6. Fill the appropriate copyright form based on the following:
    EITHER – form_AUTHOR-AGREEMENT-paper_tp: Authors shall use this form if they included no copyrighted third party material in their paper text (or accompanying sources, datasets). This is the right variant in most cases.
    OR – AUTHOR-AGREEMENT-paper_ntp: Authors shall use this form if they did include copyrighted third party material in their paper or accompanying material. They must then also attach a copy of the permission by the third party to use this material in the signed author agreement!
  7. Compress your sources, compiled pdf and copyright form and upload through the submission portal ConfTool before the deadline.