
 the International workshop of socially responsible entrepreneurial university  will be held online on June, 17. Please register here by June 16 to get your link to the webinar room. See the program below.

*On June, 15-16, you may join the 18th Triple Helix Conference – Future of Innovations and Innovation for Future

**Local time zone time can be checked here

17th June

12.30-13.00 Virtual networking on Brella platform (instructions will be sent)!


Opening words, Dr. Yuzhuo Cai, Adjunct professor, Higher Education Group, Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University

Keynote speech by Taru Pilvi, Tampere University Director of Innovation,

Human potential unlimited – building innovation culture in a university?

Keynote speech by Dr. Caterina  Berbenni-Rehm, Advisory Board’s member of AI & Society, Springer Editors; co-founder of the ‘European Entrepreneurial Regions Initiative’

The Entrepreneurial and/or Socially Responsible University – A Janus Dilemma?

14.15- 14.30  break

14:30-15:00 Keynote speech by David Charles, Professor, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University

‘The civic university as a socially responsible university’

15.00 – 15.15  break

15.15 -17:15  Triple Helix Scenario Game*, Prof. Emanuela Todeva, Vice President of Triple Helix Association

*TITLE : Triple Helix Scenario Planning and Multi-stakeholder Engagement

DURATION (2 hours) This two hour training programme includes scenarios demonstration and discussion with leading experts in the field of Triple Helix and university- industry-government interactions.

TARGET GROUPS:  Although there are no prerequisites, participants are encouraged to mobilize their knowledge and expertise across individual helices – and to bring personal observations and insights on the societal transformation and university transformation and the overlapping roles of socially responsible entrepreneurial university, government and business.

MAIN CONTENTS/GOALS OF THE SESSION:  Participant interactions will explore how to understand problems in their context of unfolding scenarios, and how to build and mobilise multi-stakeholder coalitions capable to address complex situations.

WHY TO ATTEND: (which benefit for the attendees in terms of new understanding/knowledge/know how acquired) The programme will enhance skills and understanding of the multi-stakeholder approaches to governance of innovation and entrepreneurship.