Getting around

Tampere is a compact city, and everything is within walking distance. If you want to go outside the city centre you can use our tram and bus services or citybike.


How to reach Tampere and Kauppi campus


Trams run every 7.5 minutes during the daytime.

Line 1 from Sorin aukio to Kaupin kampus includes 9 stops from City Centre to Kauppi campus (Kaupin kampus):

Sorin aukio, Koskipuisto, Rautatieasema, Tulli, Sammonaukio, Kalevan kirkko, Hippos, Tays and Kaupin kampus.

Payment methods: On trams, you can pay with your credit card (contactless payment). With contactless payment you can pay only for your own trip. The device will charge you one price for the trips you make in 90 minutes. You can also pay with the Nysse Mobile smartphone app or  you can buy an advance ticket from Nysse Customer Service and most Nysse sales points. You can’t pay with cash on trams.

Check the Tampere Tram website here.

Look for local bus connections here.

If you want to travel on foot, there is some ten minutes’ walk from the Tampere main railway station to our campus.