
The dead-line for the abstracts has been extended to 21st March! 

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic the organisers have seen neccessary to prolong the abstract submission period. The registration dead-line remains 15th April.


Please submit your abstract on this form 

Abstract title word limit: 30 words

Abstract word limit: 300 words

Maximum number of references: 5 (optional, included in word limit)

Headings: Unstructured abstract with no tables, diagrams or pictures

Authors are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words with sufficient detail to allow the committee to judge the merit of the submission. Both empirical and theoretical papers are welcome. Submissions should contain an abstract outlining (where applicable) the research question, the theoretical framework, the methodology and data used, as well as findings and contributions. In the submission form you will need the following information as a minimum: title, abstract, authors and affiliations, and choice of the theme. You will be asked to select the theme that most appropriately reflect your submission. The themes are described on the Thematic Groups page. The Organising Committee reserves the right to allocate an abstract to a different theme, if more appropriate.

The title and abstract you submit will be used in the final programme so please ensure you have proofread and corrected any errors. You do not have to include references, but if you do these must be included in the 300 word limit.

Each participant can submit and present one paper as first author. The submitting author will be considered the presenting author. There are no limitations for co-authoring/co-authorship. A submission of an abstract with multiple authors will be an indication that all authors approve the submission and content of the abstract. To submit a paper proposal, the registration of at least one presenter is required. The number of the participants is limited. It is possible to participate without a paper, but the priority is given to those authoring (or co-authoring) a paper.

Proposals will be reviewed in March and submitters will be notified by the end of the month. We would like to kindly ask you to register until 15th April. Please see the Registration page here.

If you have any questions or need support with this, please contact us by emailing CoEAgeCare2022@tuni.fi.