Call for contributions

You’re warmly invited to contribute your circular construction expertise to CiBEn 2025 in one or more of the following themes:

Urban mining

  • Identification and quantification of urban mines for secondary construction products
  • Material Stock and Flow Analysis (MSFA)
  • Urban mining as a political issue of economic scarcity and self-sufficiency

Circular decommissioning of buildings and infrastructure

  • Smart methods and tools for deconstruction aiming at reuse
  • Smart methods and tools for demolition aiming at recycling

Circular supply chain management in construction

  • Digital information management tools
  • Tracing and tracking technologies of secondary products and materials
  • Circularity passports
  • Value creation by digitalisation

Quality management of reused building parts and recycled construction materials

  • Ensuring performance and durability
  • Managing risks for health and safety
  • Standards development to support circularity
  • End of Waste criteria and process

Circular design, construction materials and products

  • Reused building materials and products
  • Recycled building materials
  • Design for adaptability and disassembly (DfA, DfD)
  • Architectural, structural, building services, and other circular design
  • Use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and other digital tools
  • Work processes in circular construction

Circularity and environmental assessment in the built environment

  • Life cycle assessment of circular construction solutions
  • Life cycle costing and life cycle profit of circular construction solutions
  • Measuring social impact of circularity in the built environment

Circular construction and real estate business

  • Circular value chains and business ecosystems
  • Circular business models
  • Diverse product, process and service innovations
  • Value creation and value capture
  • Added value from digitalisation

Regulation, policy and social aspects in a circular built environment

  • Challenges and catalysts for circularity in the policy environment
  • Policy tensions between circularity and other public policy
  • Circularity, national security, and post-war reconstruction
  • Circular policy-making and public procurement
  • How circularity changes work in the construction sector


Submission guidelines

We welcome submissions of abstracts and short papers; the author decides which format they are submitting.

A template for the abstracts and papers will be made available shortly, along with guidelines how to submit abstracts and papers in the e-registration system.

Authors must use the provided template. Abstracts should be 250–500 words (max. 1 page on the template). Short papers should be 1500–3000 words (3–6 pages on the template). Should there be figures and/or tables, the word count should be respectively reduced. The word/page count includes: title, authors and their affiliations, 3–6 keywords, main text, all figures and tables, and references.

The main text of short papers should be structured as follows: abstract, introduction (including background/theory), materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, funding and acknowledgements, references. Abstracts are unstructured, i.e. they do not use headings, but in outline they should follow a similar structure as the papers.

Accepted contributions are invited to present their work in the conference as an oral presentation. Should the number of contributors be exceptionally large, the organisers reserve the right to invite some of the contributors as poster presentations. The authors will be informed of this decision well ahead of time.



Abstracts/short papers will be incorporated into an electronic proceedings book which will have a DOI number and be published in Open Access in an online repository.

Selected abstracts/short papers will be invited to develop and submit a full paper in high-quality peer-reviewed journals. More information about the journals will be provided shortly.