Call for Abstracts

The theme of the workshop, “Sustainability and the Arctic”, is purposely broad. With the theme we encourage papers in-progress where thinking goes beyond mere sustainable development and may challenge, question, criticise and further develop what ‘sustainability’ in contemporary terms means for the Arctic. While the primary focus is on social sciences and humanities, interdisciplinary perspectives aligned with the theme are welcomed.

We invite submissions from all interested Early-Career Researchers. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words (excl. references) and be submitted via registeration form. The application deadline is 18th September 2023. In the form you are also asked to identify the key literature of your planned work.

After acceptance you are asked to confirm your participation. Participants are expected to stay for the 2 days of the workshop. This is important as the expected outcomes of this 2-day workshop are to encourage networking across multiple international communities and disciplines of Arctic ECRs, sharing of knowledge and experience through dynamic dialogue and constructive feedback. To do so the workshop has been designed to foster kind and supportive interactions. Sessions will be organised as roundtables bringing together different perspectives (methodologies, theoretical approaches, points of views) on a topic to foster innovative/original thinking. We will facilitate a possibility to gain a publication whether as a single author or with (a) suitable co-author(s), which could take the form of a special issue. The idea of the output is to help ECRs get published and develop long-lasting collaborations beyond the duration of the workshop. Each participant will present their work based on their abstracts in a specific session during the workshop. Closer to the date of the workshop, selected participants are expected to send a longer version of their abstract with the latest update. Each presentation will then be discussed in a roundtable where another participant will be designated as principal discussant. More information will be provided on this at a later stage.

Note that the workshop has an intake of maximum of 20 participants.

Please submit your contact details and your abstract via this link: Arctic ECR Workshop