Preconference 14.2.2024

Political and Societal Impact of Social Work Research

A preconference for doctoral students in social work will be organized as a part of the conference.

Schedule: 14.2.2024, 12–19. Tampere University, main building, auditorium A2a

Programme 14th Feb

12–12:15 Welcome

Professor Riikka Korkiamäki (TAU)

12:15–13:45 Political and societal effectiveness of social work research

Postdoctoral researcher Tuomo Kokkonen (JYU), Doctoral Researcher Marja Hekkala (TAU) and Doctoral Researcher Maija Haapala (TAU)

13:45–14:15 coffee break (by Sosnet)

14:15–17:00 working groups

17:00–19:00 social & light dinner (by Sosnet)

In this preconference, we discuss research topics, settings, methods, and results from the perspectives of politics and societal impacts in social work doctoral research. We reflect the different meanings and relations of the concepts of politics, impacts, and effectiveness in different social work research settings. We pay attention to the different positions of researchers and research participants and their implications for politics and societal impacts. We also discuss how and where to communicate the research results and what are the possibilities and preconceptions regarding different research topics to get published and funded. The introductory lectures are mainly held in English. Some working groups are held in English and some in Finnish.

Pre-conference as doctoral studies assignment

Doctoral students in social work can include the seminar as a 2-credit study in their doctoral studies. This requires active participation in the pre-conference and submitting a seminar paper of approximately five pages. The idea of the seminar paper is to reflect what politics and societal impact of research mean in my own research. You can discuss a variety of questions from political and societal impact point of view, related to, for example, the research topic, the theoretical framework, the research setting, the researcher’s own or research participants’ positions or the research results. Politics and societal impact of research can be approached broadly, and it can connect to public relations and popularisation of results, to science communication, e.g., what are the possibilities and preconditions regarding publishing your research results and getting research funding.

Please follow the scientific writing guidelines of your own university. You can make use of, for example, an already prepared research plan or dissertation text. In addition, please attach a cover page to the seminar paper, including your name, university, dissertation topic and a short summary of your dissertation. Based on the seminar paper, please prepare a short introduction to be presented in the workgroup.

Before attending the seminar, please consult your university about including the credits in your studies.

A total of 20 doctoral students can participate the preconference.

For more information please contact: and Mari Suonio (mari.suonio(at)


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