*** Depending on the epidemic situation, it will be announced on 15th April whether the Forum is going to be postponed or organised in another format (e.g. based on an online platform).***
Please submit your proposal with this form by April, 15 2020.
Proposals for individual paper or poster presentations
The papers and posters can be put in the following three categories: a. original research – either conceptual or empirical, b. research design for studies in-progress or c. analysis of practical experience e.g. practitioners’ perspectives.
When writing the proposals, please use Harvard referencing style, Times font size 12 pt, line spacing of 1,5 and 2 pt margins.
The length of proposal is 300-500 words.
A proposal must include the following:
- Title
- Types (a. original research, b. research Design or c. practical experience analysis)
- Track
- Purpose
- Design/Methodology/Approach
- Findings or expected outcomes
- Limitations/implications
- Practical and/or Social Implications
- Originality/Value
- Keywords (3-5)