Tampere University, Main building, Auditorium A1, Kalevantie 4, Tampere, Finland
About the congress
Nordic Pharmacoepidemiological Network (NorPEN) is a network of research groups with the purpose of facilitating research within the field of pharmacoepidemiology in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). NorPEN organizes annual 2-3 days scientific meetings held in turns in each Nordic country. In November 2022, it is a turn of Finnish research groups in NorPEN to be hosting the 14th annual congress with a topic: Data-driven decision making in healthcare and health promotion.
NorPEN congresses are open to all researchers and other experts engaged or interested in pharmacoepidemiology, not just for research groups involved in NorPEN.
The meeting will be organized face-to-face depending on the current Covid-19 situation. The conference presentations will be possible to follow virtually for the registered participants. Further information on virtual participation will be provided later.
Nordic PharmacoEpidemiological Network, NorPEN