
21.11.2019 klo 8.30–16.00

8.30-9.00 Morning coffee and registration

9.00-9.45 Welcome

Sairaanhoitajaliiton puheenjohtaja Nina Hahtela

Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun vararehtori Päivi Karttunen

Euroopan psykiatristen sairaanhoitajien (Horatio) puheenjohtaja Nina Kilkku

9.45- 10.15 What is happening in mental health nursing from the European viewpoint?

Nina Kilkku (Finland) and Aisling Culhane (Ireland)

10.15-11.00 Mental health service in Czech Republic and its reform -Process of deinstitutionalization

Tomáš Petr (Chez Republic)

11.00-12.00 Lunch break (lunch not included)

12.00-13.00 Work of mental health nurses in different environments, two examples:

Working as a mental health nurse in remote areas, Birgit Andersen (Faroe Islands)

Working as a mental health nurse in psychiatric hospital in Germany, Susanna Flansburg (Germany)

13.00-13.30 Coffee break

13.30- 15.45 Methods and tools for mental health nurses:

What is in your toolbox? Brief psychotherapeutic, evidence-based interventions for mental health nurses, Gísli Kort Kristófersson (Iceland)

Art and mental health nursing, Alexei Sammut (Malta)

Horse-assisted therapy in mental health nursing with children, adolescents and adults, Henrika Jormfeldt (Sweden)

15.45-16.00 Closing

Nina Kilkku (Finland)