In English

MEVI2024 is the largest media and communication studies conference in Finland. It is arranged biannually by the Finnish Association for Media and Communication Studies. This year the conference theme is ”Change or continuity?” The theme invites examinations of contemporary phenomena in contrast to the field’s self-understanding, history and tradition. The conference’s keynotes will be given by Steen Steensen, of Oslo Metropolitan University, and Minna Ruckenstein, of the University of Helsinki.

Abstract submission period for the conference has now ended. The languages ​​used in the workshops are Finnish and English.

Working group sessions and presentations in English.

All working group sessions (in Finnish).


City centre campus, Tampere University. Address: Kalevantie 4.


The conference comprises of over a dozen working groups running in parallel. A separate two-hour session for publication coaching and networking, aimed at doctoral researchers, will be held in conjunction with the main event. The conference schedule is as follows (group and presentation-specific timetable will be provided later).

Friday April 12th 2024

10–12 Networking event for doctoral researchers (registration required)

10.00–12.30 Conference registration

11.00–13.00 Lunch

13.00 Welcoming adress

13.15 Keynote speech I: Steen Steensen

14.15 Coffee break

14.45 Working group sessions 1

16.15 Break

16.30–18.00 Working group sessions 2

19.30 Conference dinner (registration required)


Saturday April 13th 2024

9.00 Working group sessions 3

10.30 Keynote speech II: Minna Ruckenstein (in Finnish, slides in English)

11.30 Coffee break

12.00 Panel discussion

13.00 Closing remarks

13.15 End of conference



Attendees must register to the conference by March 21st. The conference fee will be charged during the registration process or, optionally, by separate billing (the bill will be sent immediately after registration).

The conference fee is 120 € for members of the Finnish Association for Media and Communication Studies. Undergraduate members may attend the conference without charge. Non-members’ fee is 170 €. The conference dinner is optional and will cost 40 €.

The doctoral researchers’ networking event is free of charge and open to anyone pursuing a doctorate in media and communication studies in Finland.

Registration to the conference may be cancelled without charge until 21st March. No refunds will be given after this.


Contact information

Heikki Heikkilä, scholarly programme,

Sinikka Torkkola, general arrangements,

Veera Ehrlén, working groups,

Pauliina Penttilä, secretary for the Finnish Association for Media and Communication Studies,