Presenters in sessions

Thursday 28.11.

In the tables below:

  • The presentations are listed in the order of delivery within each session (excluding poster session).
  • Presenters in bold have given permission to publish their abstracts.
  • A gray background for presenters and their titles indicates a research presentation (R), while a white background signifies a poster pitch (P).
  • Presentations in gray text are invited talks, with links to their abstracts and presenters provided on the main program page. Text here indicates the placement of these talks among other presentations.

Session 1 – Thursday 28.11. at 9:00-10:30


MET Research Highlights: Presentation from the winners of the best MET publication 2024

Karoliina Hopia Novel adhesive and 3D-printable biomaterials for corneal tissue engineering (P)
Julia Vistbacka Changes in inflammatory myokines and adipokines after Ironman triathlon race (P)
Johanna Laakkonen Towards BBB-on-chip to study vascular defects in multiple sclerosis (R)
Kati Rinnekari Hydrogel screening for 3D vascularization model-on-chip (P)
Iida Ahonen Comparison of screen- and symptom-detected celiac disease patients at diagnosis and during follow-up: a prospective cohort study (R)
Aino Reunamo X-ray microtomography imaging as a method to study the small-intestinal villi vasculature – celiac disease as a model (P)
Matthew Maasdorp Using Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) to investigate the role of two novel immune-induced peptides, IBIN and IBIN-like (P)

Session 2 – Thursday at 11:00-12:00

Daria Kostiniuk Circulating miRNAs as early biomarkers for essential hypertension and vascular dysfunction (P)
Noora Nevala Phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments by retinal pigment epithelium imaged in living zebrafish (P)

Jan Hasenauer

Keynote: Mechanistic modelling and machine learning: A love story

Kaisa Liimatainen Microrheology analysis and visualization toolbox (P)
Eloise Mikkonen The Tampere Sudden Death Study – forensic autopsy material (P)

Session 3 – Thursday 28.11. at 13:00-14:00

Juulia Jylhävä

MET Research Highlights: Decoding biological aging and frailty with AI and multiomics

Noora Nurminen Early-life microbial and immunological characterization of children living in contrasting environments – Finland and rural Malawi (P)
Zahangir Khan Performance evaluation of ring structure implantable antenna using glass encapsulation (P)
Kaisa Tornberg Organ-on-a-chip technology for multi-organ modelling of Stroke-Heart syndrome (R)
Laura Vesala Mitochondrial (dys)function shapes the innate immune responses (P)
Joonas Uusi-Mäkelä Chromatin accessibility analysis uncovers regulatory element activation landscape in prostate cancer progression (R)
Sanni Rinne Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) serology impact on persistent oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in men (P)
Iida Salonen Analysis of colorectal cancer microenvironment in the FinCRC cohort (R)
Tanja Hyvärinen Microglial activation in multiple sclerosis: an in vitro approach (P)

Session 4 – Thursday 28.11. at 14:15-15:20

Soile Nymark

MET Research Highlights: Ionic activities in retinal pigment epithelium: From mechanisms to therapy development

Petri Purola Nationwide and regional trends in distance and near visual acuities during 2000–2017 in Finland (P)
Negin Pournoori Synthesis and systemic evaluation of the immunomodulatory potential of Heparin and Dextran sulfate-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (R)
Sana Kari Investigating the dual targeting mechanism of Vorapaxar as a PAR1 antagonist and GPR17 agonist for glioblastoma multiforme therapy (P)
Nabid Faiem Letting data analysis methods developed in different computing environments work together – case SMASH-HCM (R)
Emma Pesu Stroke-Heart syndrome on-a-chip (P)
Lotta Isosaari Exploring multicellular dynamics in glioblastoma: a 3D open-top chip model with integrated neurovascular networks for drug testing (R)


Poster session 1 – Thursday 28.11. at 15:20-17:00

Aino Reunamo X-Ray microtomography imaging as a method to study the small-intestinal villi vasculature – celiac disease as a model
Alfonso Urbanucci
Utilizing the Finngen data to understand the genetic predisposition of post finasteride syndrome
Aliisa Tiihonen Hypoxia generates cell-type-dependent responses in myeloid immune cell populations in diffuse astrocytomas
Alina Sillanpää Heat treatment combined with antibiotics leads to enhanced killing of mycobacteria in biofilms
Alpo Värri Applicable standards for artificial intelligence in healthcare
Alvar Saarinen Hypoxia changes lipid metabolism in advanced prostate cancer
Andrey Vinogradov Exploring kainic acid-induced alterations in circular tripartite networks with advanced analysis tools
Anja Hartewig Non-coding RNA-mediated progression of IDH-mutant astrocytomas to grade 4 after treatment
Anna-Sofia Mäkitiura Regulation of cell-cell connectivity via gap junctions in the retinal pigment epithelium
Annika Kohvakka Long noncoding RNA EPCART regulates translation through PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway and PDCD4 in prostate cancer
Argyro Bizaki-Vallaskangas Discovering age and sex-specific genetic risk factors in sensorineural hearing loss: genome-wide evidence from large-scale biobanks
Celina Turunen Beteta Clinical significance of borderline negative and low positive transglutaminase antibody levels in celiac disease
Daria Kostiniuk Circulating miRNAs as early biomarkers for essential hypertension and vascular dysfunction
Elina Kervinen Experiences of using digital and remote health services to support work ability: a qualitative interview study
Elina Mäntylä Raising the BAR – Role of BAR-domain protein BIN1 in nuclear envelope invagination
Ella Lampela The effect of adipose-derived stem cells, IGF-1 and IGF-2 to skeletal muscle differentiation in vitro
Elli Toivonen Metabolic profiles of meconium in preeclamptic and normotensive pregnancies
Eloise Mikkonen The Tampere Sudden Death Study – forensic autopsy material
Emilia Lintilä A novel anti-biofilm compound can improve the efficacy of rifampicin against Mycobacterium biofilms in vitro
Emma Pesu Stroke-heart syndrome on-a-chip
Emma Raitoharju Transgenerational epigenetic effects of war stress in Finland
Hannu Välimäki Imaging oxygen concentrations in bone scaffolds during cellular activity and fluid perfusion
Helka Kaunisto Clonal expansion of B cells in active autoimmune disease
Iisa Tujula Human iPSC glial coculture models for studying neuroinflammation in vitro
Ilari Mäki-Opas The contact allergen methylisothiazolinone (MIT) activates TRPA1 to promote Th2-type inflammation in allergic contact dermatitis model
Jani Mäkinen Use of simulation model to study the cost-effectiveness of different strategies for celiac disease screening in childhood
Jarno Tanskanen Analysis of tissue properties along degradation for organ transplant assessment
Julia Vistbacka Changes in inflammatory myokines and adipokines after Ironman triathlon race
Jussi Koivumäki SMASH-HCM – Stratification, management, and guidance of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients using hybrid digital twin solutions
Kaisa Liimatainen Microrheology analysis and visualization toolbox
Kaisa Taavela Induced abortion rates among women vaccinated against human papillomavirus
Kalle Hokkanen RNF43 G659 frameshift variants differentiate primary and metachronous Lynch syndrome associated colorectal cancers
Karoliina Hopia Novel adhesive and 3D-printable biomaterials for corneal tissue engineering
Kati Rinnekari Hydrogel screening for 3D vascularization model on-chip
Laura Kallio Factors associated with adherence to a gluten-free diet in patients with concomitant celiac disease and type 1 diabetes
Laura Oksa Drug-response modulating genes in ETV6::RUNX1 childhood leukemia
Laura Vesala Mitochondrial (dys)function shapes the innate immune responses
Lauri Paulamäki Ex vivo proteomics to uncover temporal proteome dynamics and metabolic shifts of Mycobacterium marinum during zebrafish infection
Long Dang Validation of deep learning-based arrhythmia classification using 12-leads ECGs: a multi-database approach
Lotta Kulmala Investigation of human engineered heart tissues from human iPSC-cardiomyocytes on a hypoxia on-a-chip platform
Matthew Maasdorp Using Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) to investigate the role of two novel immune-induced peptides, IBIN and IBIN-like
Mauro Scaravilli DIR-CLIP, a method for the discovery of RNA-binding protein sites on full length RNAs
Mirkka Forssell Information security knowledge in supplementary management and leadership studies in medical/dental specialist training: Using self-assessment and simulated scenarios
Mugen Terzioglu Mitochondria – the hot rulers of the cell
Nanna Förster Optimization of culturing conditions in 2D and 3D for human induced pluripotent stem cell derived sympathetic neurons
Nea Koskela Antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis and Mycoplasma genitalium in early childhood
Nemanja Milićević Circadian rhythms in murine ocular tissues including sclera are affected by Neurobasal A medium preincubation, mouse strain, but not sex
Nicole Anderton Development of an in silico smooth muscle cell model to elucidate mechanisms of vascular tone regulation
Nikta Pournoori Fully self-healing UHF RFID tag based on a slot antenna for future skin-like electronics
Nina Keitaanpää Duration from pre-eclampsia diagnosis to delivery and risk of future cardiovascular disease
Niyati Kandikanti cAMP regulation in glioblastoma multiforme under hypoxia
Noora Nevala Phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments by retinal pigment epithelium imaged in living zebrafish
Noora Nilsson Risk of neuropsychiatric diseases in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis and other phenotypes of celiac disease: a cohort study
Noora Nurminen Early-life microbial and immunological characterization of children living in contrasting environments – Finland and rural Malawi
Ossi Noita Reproducing hiPSC-CM in vitro 2D culture in silico
Outi Liang Assessing transport route of gliadin through the small intestinal epithelium
Petri Purola Nationwide and regional trends in distance and near visual acuities during 2000–2017 in Finland
Piia Takabe RNA binding proteins and localized RNA determining platelet function
Rok Virant Neuronal excitatory and inhibitory balance in neuron-astroglia- vasculature coupling and BOLD fMRI signal: A computational simulation study
Sana Kari Investigating the dual targeting mechanism of Vorapaxar as a PAR1 antagonist and GPR17 agonist for glioblastoma multiforme therapy
Sanni Rinne Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) serology impact on persistent oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in men
Sara Koskimaa The prevalence of celiac disease in China: a systematic scoping review with emphasis on the used testing methodologies
Siiri Hyvärinen Optimizing iPSC maturation towards small intestinal epithelial cells
Sini Saarimaa Effect of neurons and culturing conditions on adipogenic differentiation of adipose stromal/stem cells on a 3D microfluidic environment
Sonja Kuusinen Oxygen imaging inside 3D cell constructs
Sonja Rajić Are one in four individuals metabolically disadvantaged from conception? Effects of nc886 imprinting
Susanna Harju A novel organ-on-chip approach for replicating small intestine architecture in celiac disease research with Norbornene-modified hydrogels
Suvi Huhtanen Multi-material 3D bioprinting of human stem cells to engineer complex human corneal structures with stroma and epithelium
Taina Viheriälä A cell encapsulating membrane designed to house engineered ARPE-19 cells for the treatment of drug-resistant form of epilepsy
Tanja Hyvärinen Microglial activation in multiple sclerosis: an in vitro approach
Tiina Lehtola Dexamethasone regulates gene expression in chondrocytes through MKP-1 and downregulates cholesterol hydroxylaes CH25H and CYP7B1
Timo Salpavaara Graphene field-effect transistors for in vitro applications
Trina Chen Aortic elastic fiber degeneration during acute type a aortic dissection suggests ongoing frailty
Vasyl Mykuliak How mechanical force activates T cell receptor
Venla Harju Modelling ischemic brain stroke in vitro
Xin Lai The Finnish Society for Bioinformatics
Zahangir Khan Performance evaluation of ring structure implantable antenna using glass encapsulation
Zahra Hosseinpur Yektaei Small molecule EGFR inhibitor/s for glioblastoma


Friday 29.11.

In the tables below:

  • The presentations are listed in the order of delivery within each session (excluding poster session).
  • Presenters in bold have given permission to publish their abstracts.
  • A gray background for presenters and their titles indicates a research presentation (R), while a white background signifies a poster pitch (P).
  • Presentations in gray text are invited talks, with links to their abstracts and presenters provided on the main program page. Text here indicates the placement of these talks among other presentations.

Session 5 – Friday 29.11. at 9:00-10:20

Belinda Nedjai

Keynote: DNA methylation biomarkers for early detection, diagnosis, and prognosis of HPV-related cancer care

Erdogan Pekcan Erkan Genomic and transcriptomic factors underlying differential response to adjuvant chemotherapy in colorectal cancer (P)
Kateryna Gaertner Wild animal derived cells as a tool to study inter-species compatibility and adaptations (P)
Ruhunur Özdemir High angular resolution diffusion-weighted imaging and higher order tractography of the white matter tracts in the anterior thalamic area: Insights into deep brain stimulation targeting (P)

Kaarlo Paakinaho

MET Research Highlights: The story of Biomendex

Lauri Vähätalo Musculoskeletal disorders and elective surgery waiting time associations to work ability support utilization in occupational health care population (P)
Valeriia Dotsenko Impact of transglutaminase 2 inhibitor ZED1227 on systemic responses in celiac disease: Insights from lipidomic analyses (P)

Session 6 – Friday 29.11. at 10:50-11:50

Jonna Alkula Bacteria-targeting vaccine in prevention of cardiovascular and cardio-thrombotic diseases (P)
Mohsen Haajari Portable olfactory display for healthcare applications (P)

Andrew Daly

Keynote: Bioprinting models of the human heart at CÚRAM, the Research Ireland Centre for Medical Devices

Anna Kivioja Long-term cardiovascular risk in women with hypertensive pregnancy: Insights from polygenic risk scores (P)
Liang Zhang A deep learning framework for stratifying cancer patients based on their genomic and interactome profiles (P)
Konsta Kukkonen Chromatin accessibility patterns reveal divergent genomic action of androgen receptor in nonmalignant prostate epithelial cells and prostate cancer cells (P)

Session 7 – Friday 29.11. at 13:40-14:30

Aada Lattu The prevalence and risk factors of thoracic aortic dilatation detected incidentally in adjuvant radiotherapy planning CT scans in patients with breast cancer (P)
Susanna Kaksonen Creating patient-specific iPSCs lines for celiac disease research (R)
Mokurala Krishnaiah Self-powered NIR photodetectors for health care monitoring (P)
Annika Ahvenjärvi Tracking contractile movement in engineered heart tissue with virtual particles (R)
Eneli Katunin Alarm symptoms indicate more severe celiac disease at the time of diagnosis, but long-term prognosis is good (P)
Jonne Nieminen NAMPT inhibition as novel therapy in T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (R)
Anastasiia Yiannacou In vitro analysis of matrix-filler interactions in Gellan Gum/Bioactive Glass hydrogels (P)
Harini Karunarathna Adaptation of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for in situ monitoring and optimisation of tissue engineered cartilage growth (P)


Poster session 2 – Friday 29.11. at 14:35-16:00

Aada Lattu The prevalence and risk factors of thoracic aortic dilatation detected incidentally in adjuvant radiotherapy planning CT scans in patients with breast cancer
Abhinav Kethiri Co-differentiation of corneal keratocyte-like cells along with endothelial cells from human pluripotent stem cells – from heterogeneity towards enriched cell populations.
Amir Arsh Antibiotic effects on bacterial operons with internal promoters
Amna Adnan Effects of obesity on the angiogenic and vasculogenic potential of adipose stromal cells in a microfluidic device
Anastasiia Yiannacou In vitro analysis of matrix-filler interactions in Gellan Gum/Bioactive Glass hydrogels
Anna Kivioja Long-term cardiovascular risk in women with hypertensive pregnancy: Insights from polygenic risk scores
Annika Ahtiainen Electric field temporal interference stimulation of neurons in vitro
Austin Evans Versatile blue light-based hydrogel bioconjugation system
Emilia Siukola Unraveling early and late immune landscapes in celiac disease using spatial transcriptomics
Emre Kapucu Progress toward translating on-chip Parkinson’s disease signatures: characterization of patient-derived LRRK2-mutant neuronal networks
Eneli Katunin Alarm symptoms indicate more severe celiac disease at the time of diagnosis, but long-term prognosis is good
Eneli Katunin Age is a risk factor for coincidental colorectal cancer in patients presenting with anemia at celiac disease diagnosis
Erdogan Pekcan Erkan Genomic and transcriptomic factors underlying differential response to adjuvant chemotherapy in colorectal cancer
Flávio Pereira Costa The effects of celiac disease bacteria on Caco-2 cell line viability
Frans Ek Understanding the importance of integrin clustering with Spy-based modular conjugation tools
Hanna Pikkujämsä COVID-19 pandemic impact on gynecologic cancer treatment pathways in a Finnish tertiary center
Hanna Sareila Experiences of the novel Finnish criteria allowing no-biopsy diagnosis of celiac disease among health-care professionals
Harini Karunarathna Adaptation of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for in situ monitoring and optimisation of tissue engineered cartilage growth
Heli Pihlajamäki Meal and snacking patterns of adolescents and young adults with gluten-free diet, other special diet, or no food restrictions
Helka Kaunisto Dermal IgA deposition targeted against Transglutaminase 3 in Dermatitis herpetiformis risk groups
Iiro Piippo Lingonberry supplementation induces health-promoting effects on gut microbiome in experimental obesity
Ilmari Tamminen General-purpose confidence intervals with safety mechanism: holding confidence in varying sampling scenarios with small sample sizes
Joanna Ciantar Meta-analysis of ageing associated DNA methylation in X and Y chromosomes
Johanna Lotila Investigating myelin induced inflammatory state of iPSC-derived microglia
Jonna Alkula Bacteria-targeting vaccine in prevention of cardiovascular and cardio-thrombotic diseases
Kalle Hokkanen ​Beta-2-microglobulin defects are associated with somatic mutations of DNA repair genes in Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal cancer​
Karim Ameziane A hypoxia-maintaining perfusion chip for prolonged cell studies
Karishma Sajnani Flowcytometric-based approach to investigate prostate tumor microenvironment
Katariina Taipalus The effects of an oxygen gradient on cardiomyocyte morphology
Kateryna Gaertner Wild animal derived cells as a tool to study inter-species compatibility and adaptations
Konsta Kukkonen Chromatin accessibility patterns reveal divergent genomic action of androgen receptor in nonmalignant prostate epithelial cells and prostate cancer cells
Lackson Kashobwe Research Council of Finland/ FIRI 2024 – 2026: Holistic utilization of wastewater-based surveillance – wastewater as an indicator of public health (TAU-WBS)
Lassi Sukki 3D-printing applications in research
Laura Huhtala DNA methylation based regulation and neuro-developmental trajectories of central nervous system tumors
Laura Keto CellRemorph: a computational toolkit for deciphering the relationship between cellular morphology and function
Lauri Vähätalo Musculoskeletal disorders and elective surgery waiting time associations to work ability support utilization in occupational health care population
Leevi Halonen TRPA1 regulates gene expression in lung epithelial cells under inflammatory conditions in vitro RNA-Seq based study
Liang Zhang A deep learning framework for stratifying cancer patients based on their genomic and interactome profiles
Lyydia Lahtinen ​​Screening and diagnosis of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease in children with obesity in public healthcare​
Maiju Junno The zebrafish nhlrc2 is indispensable for normal embryonic development
Milvi Ali-Alha Zebrafish model to study retinal pigment epithelium phagocytosis on rod photoreceptors
Mina Sattari Identification of genes with aberrant expression in metastatic prostate canc
Miriana Torquati Prediction of adverse outcomes associated with ageing: a data-driven approach
Mohsen Haajari Portable olfactory display for healthcare applications
Mokurala Krishnaiah Self-powered NIR photodetectors for health care monitoring
Navoda Epitagama Liyana Arachchige FGFR3-TACC3 fusion protein drives cell migration and aberrant calcium signaling response in glioblastoma
Nicole Anderton Using a confined space to facilitate jetting for fluid-containing biocompatible cavitation nuclei
Olga Albó I Vila Small intestinal inflammation drives granulocyte activation in the pathogenesis of dermatitis herpetiformis
Oskari Kulta Identification of kainic acid-mediated dose-dependent responses on human cortical neuronal networks in vitro
Pauliina Kukkoaho Celiac and non-celiac iPSC-derived small intestinal epithelial cells evince cell-type specific response to inflammatory cytokine stimulations
Reeta Pitkänen The risk of inflammatory bowel disease is increased in coeliac disease but not in dermatitis herpetiformis
Riitta Ryyti Lingonberry (vaccinium vitis-idaea l.) skin extract prevents weight gain and hyperglycemia in high-fat diet-induced model of obesity in mice
Ruhunur Özdemir High angular resolution diffusion-weighted imaging and higher order tractography of the white matter tracts in the anterior thalamic area: Insights into deep brain stimulation targeting
Saana Soppela Comparison of structure and immunogenicity of CVB1-VLP and inactivated CVB1 vaccine candidates
Saara Haikka Modifications of PDMS surfaces for culturing human iPSC derived cardiac cells
Saara Marttila Differences in ageing-associated DNA methylation changes at different ages
Sanna Korpela In vitro model of retinal pigment epithelium interface with retina enabling characterization of force transmission during phagocytosis
Santiago Laguna Castro Mapping 3D architectural complexity of human metastatic prostate biopsies using micro-computed tomography phase contrast imaging
Siiri Suominen Modelling liver zonation: Enhancing iPSC-derived hepatocyte maturation via controlled oxygen microenvironment
Sina Saari Species differences in glycerol-3-phosphate metabolism reveals trade-offs between metabolic adaptations and cell proliferation
Sonja Harjuntausta Heterogeneity of xeno-free cultures human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) induces variation in the differentiation efficiency of hPSC-derives corneal limbal stem cells
Stefanus Wirdatmadja In vivo dopamine sensing PEDOT:CNF neural probe design and simulation
Sweeta Akbari Synthesis of gold nanoparticle functionalized porous and elastic materials
Tangtian He Association between persistent HPV16 infection and salivary microbiome in pregnant women in a longitudinal 3-year follow-up
Tiina Pajuvirta Lifestyle-based and psychological interventions during pregnancy and risk of obesity and obesity-associated metabolic complications in the offspring: A scoping review
Tomi Ryynänen Tri-compartment chip with microelectrode array and DR1-glass grooves for neuronal cell alignment
Tuulikki Suomela A practical guideline for microRNA sequencing analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Deciphering microRNA-gene interactions in CLL pathogenesis and therapy response
Valeriia Dotsenko Impact of transglutaminase 2 inhibitor ZED1227 on systemic responses in celiac disease: Insights from lipidomic analyses
Viivi Karema-Jokinen Measurements of membrane potential in retinal pigment epithelium during phagocytosis
Vilhelmiina Hännikäinen In vitro testing protocol for novel cell sensor platforms – methods and results analysis
Zhesi Zhang miREA: a network-based tool for global and cancer-specific miRNA-oriented enrichment analysis