(Programme PDF here: Conference program)
Registration: https://events.tuni.fi/historyofexperience/registration/
9:00–9:10 Welcome and opening words by Pirjo Markkola (director of HEX) Auditorium K103
9:10–10:10 Keynote: Ville Kivimäki: Experiences in History: Some Risky Roads That Could Lead to Interesting Places but Could Also Turn Out to Be Dead Ends or Even Dangerous Alleys Where You Are Robbed of Your Academic Credibility and Laughed At (Chair: Tuomas Tepora) Auditorium K103
10:10–10:30 Coffee break
10:30–12:30 Parallel sessions 1
1a. Archives of Experience (Chair: Saku Pihko) Auditorium K103
Karin Sandell: Disrupted Temporalities: How Memories of War Are Reactivated During Times of Crisis
Minna Uusivirta: Comparing Transnational Athlete Experiences: The First Women Cyclists in the Olympic Games
Outi Hupaniittu: Treasure Trove of the Private: The Archives of Finnish Literature Society as a Source for the History of Experiences
Hannah Parker: The Emotional Lives of Letters: Soviet Sexual Morality and Archival Encounters
1b. Gendering and Queering Experience (Chair: Virva Liski) Room K108
Jonna Katto: “It Was Our Time”: Female Initiation and the Deep Historical Archive of Ordinary Women in Matrilineal Southeastern Africa
Sigrídur Matthíasdóttir: Female Entrepreneurship as Lived Experience in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth‑Century Iceland: Research on the Personal Documents of Pálína Waage (1864–1935)
Karen Pack: “A Propaganda of Kindness”: Frances Levvy and the Animal Protection Movement in NSW
Oscar von Seth: Queer Waiting in Times of HIV and AIDS
1c. Biography and Experience (Chair: Reetta Eiranen) Room K109
Thomas Devaney: Life Writing and the Construction of Experience in Fifteenth-Century Castile
Carmen Chamarro: “I Weep for Your Memory, for I Have Been Adored by You Alone”: Experiences of Mourning the Loss of the Father Figure in Nineteenth-Century Spain
Henriikka Hannula: Experience and Systematicity in Philosophical Biographies
Marja Jalava: Towards the History of Pigs’ Experiences
1d. Individual and Collective Emotions (Chair: Rob Boddice) Room K110
Heli Rantala: Tracing the Experience of Loss within Past Academic Communities
Young Joo Hong: Depressed Nation: Emotional Culture of South Korea and the Cultural History of Depression and Emotional Experiences
Sara Honarmand Ebrahimi: Building to Feel: Ten Years On
Sharon Halevi: Young Women Experiencing the Landscape of the Early American Republic, 1790–1835
12:30–14:00 Lunch break at restaurant Juvenes, main building
14:00–15:30 Parallel sessions 2
2a. Experiencing War and National Identity, I (Chair: Ilari Taskinen) Auditorium K103
Filippo Barsi: Brutalization and Pride: Republican Women’s Prison Experiences during the Anglo-Irish War Explored through the Bureau of Military History’s Statements by Witnesses, 1913–1921
Devin Vartija: Equality as an Emotion during the French Revolution: Experiencing the Birth of a Modern Political Value
Fruma Zachs: The Rationalization of the Experience of Fear in the Arab Nahda: Superstition, Beliefs, and Practices
2b. Historicizing Lived Religion: Individuals, Institutions, and Processes (Chair: Päivi Räisänen-Schröder) Room K108
Saku Pihko: Experience, Lived Religion, and the Process of Believing in Medieval Inquisition Records
Tessa Whitehouse: Structures of Religious Feeling: How William Cowper Lived Through Crises of Faith
Johanna Annola: Religious Places and Practices in Nineteenth-Century Finnish Institutions
2c. Experiencing the Welfare State: The Making of Families in the Twentieth Century (Chair: Pirjo Markkola) Room K109
Cecilie Bjerre and Klaus Petersen: Experiencing the “Family Revolution”: Generational Shifts and Welfare State Transformations in Denmark.
Riikka Suominen: Experiences of Reproduction, Family, and Sexuality in the Nascent Welfare State
Jennifer Crane: When “Experience” Becomes “Trauma”: Childbirth, Thresholds, and Boundaries in the Lived Welfare State
15:45–17:15 Parallel sessions 3
3a. Experiences of Relief, Comfort, and Consolation in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (Chair: Karariina Lehto) Auditorium K103
Rob Boddice: Contagious Convulsions as Practices of Relief: Miracles, Magnetism, and Magic
Marie van Haaster: Doctors and Distractions: How (Not) to Console Patients in the Salpêtrière Asylum (1880–1914)
Angela Platt: Finding Comfort in Love: Navigating Fear and Pain through Religious Narratives (1780–1850)
3b. From Emotions to Experience: New Interdisciplinary Approaches in Medieval Studies (Chair: Karen McCluskey) Room K108
Nicole Demarchi: Experiencing Pain, Trauma, and Conflict in the Carolingian Era: The Battle of Fontenoy (841)
Micol Long: The Sensory and Emotional Experience of Sacred Spaces (Twelfth to Fifteenth Century)
Jyrki Nissi: Experiencing Terror of Death: Devotion to Saints as Medieval Death Anxiety Management
3c. Ethnic Threat as a Collective Experience of the Swedish-Speaking Minority in Finland (Chair: Sinikka Selin) Room K108
Matias Kaihovirta: Merikoivisto and the Struggle for the Native Region as an Emotional Experience during the Parliamentary Election Campaign of 1948
Janne Väistö: Street Riots on Swedish Day in the 1930s and the Experience of Ethnic Violence
Mats Wickström: Soiling the Swedish soil? Internal Migration to the Swedish-Speaking Regions and the Fear of Fennicization as a Collective experience
17.30 Get-together at Café Toivo (Tampere University main building, second floor, Kalevantie 4)
9:00–10:00 Keynote: Stefan Berger: Experiences of Deindustrialization and the Role of Memory in Forging Futures for Places Undergoing Structural Economic Change: Global Perspectives (Chair: Pertti Haapala) Auditorium K103
10:00–10:30 Coffee break
10:30–12:30 Parallel sessions 4
4a. Histories of Experience in Premodern Cities: Mapping Lived Religion (Chair: Tessa Whitehouse) Auditorium K103
Mathilde Monge: Clues of Otherness: Where Were Collection Boxes and Plates for Religious Minorities? Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and Hamburg, 1600–1800
Anne Dunan-Page: Places of Worship and Believers’ Experience: Mapping Religious Communities in Eighteenth-Century London
Jaap Geraerts: Mapping the Utrecht Schism: Religious Choice, Lay Traffic, and Clandestine Catholic churches in the Eighteenth-Century Dutch Republic
Karina Bénazech Wendling: Mapping the Huguenot Experience in Dublin: From an “Identity in Opposition” to Transforming the Refuge
4b. Embodying Experience (Chair: Marja Jalava) Room K108
Marie Louise Herzfeld-Schild: Music, Sound, and the History of Experience: Carnal Considerations
Anna-Leena Perämäki: Bodily Encounters and the Experience of Occupation in a Foreign Nation: Body and Experience in the Wartime Diary and Letters of a Young Austrian Jew, Ruth Maier, in German-Occupied Norway
Riikka Miettinen: Somatized Madness: Embodied Experiences of “Weaknesses of the Head” in Early Modern Sweden
Daniel Blackie: Forging Experience in the Industrial Revolution
4c. Literatures of Experience (Chair: Godelinde Gertrude Perk) Room K109
Karolina Kulpa: Representing the People as Individual Experience: Polish Literary Criticism in Interwar Period
Anna Rogel: Ghosts of Yiddish Past: The Haunted Stories of Post-Shoah Yiddish Literature
Sami Suodenjoki: Tracing the Experience of Regime Change through Writings Upwards in Finland, 1899–1923
Wiivi-Maria Jouttijärvi: Fresh Perspectives, “Research Tourism,” or Something Else? Doing Research about History of Experiences Abroad
4d. Urban and Environmental Experience (Chair: Tanja Vahtikari) Room K110
Mikkel Thelle: Communal or Distributed? Allotment Experience in Interwar Copenhagen
Jenna Herva: Experiences of Vagrancy in Turku, 1950–1959
Jenni Simola: Institutional Morality Work in Early Twentieth-Century Helsinki from the Standpoint of Convicted Women
Hannah Elizabeth: “Power from the Dustbin”: Contested Experiences of Living with the Byker Energy from Waste Heat Plant
12:30–14:00 Lunch break at restaurant Juvenes, main building
14:00–15:30 Parallel sessions 5
5a. Memory, Identity, and Experience (Chair: Tuomas Tepora) Auditorium K103
Ulla Savolainen: Temporalities of Memory Struggle: The Public Discussion Surrounding the Attack on the Elias Lönnrot Statue
Viktorija Jonkutė: Temporality and Memory in Experience in the Lithuanian and Latvian Cultural Press during the Transition Period (1988–1992)
John Bessai (online): Navigating the Canadian Aporia: The Historical Experience of Digital Storytelling in Shaping National Identity
5b. Reproductive Health Histories of Experiences: Case Studies from Britain and British India (Chair: Riikka Suominen) Room K109
Kate Errington: Historical Materials, Contemporary Conversations: How Can History Initiate Conversations about Contemporary Health Experiences?
Karissa Robyn Patton: Wishes for Women’s Health, Past, Present, Future: History and Intergenerational Experiences of Women’s Health in Edinburgh
Ranjana Saha: Exhibiting “Scientific” Midwifery and “Ideal” Mothering in Colonial India: Historicizing Baby Week Exhibitions, Communities, and Experiences
5c. Historicizing Experiences of Care (Chair: Stephanie Olsen) Room K109
Christian Ammitzbøll Thomsen: Next of Kin: The Family Experience of Enslaved Caregivers in an Ancient Greek Town
Laura Nys: Between Authority and Care? Changing Experiences of Education, Care, and Emotion in Belgian reform schools, c.1900–1950
Karen Vallgårda: Custody and Care in Twentieth-Century Denmark
19:00–23:00 Conference dinner at restaurant Koski (Kirkkokatu 10
9:00–10:00 Keynote: Karen McCluskey: Art and Experience: Aesthesis, Intellect, and the Question of Relationality (Chair: Godelinde Gertrude Perk) Auditorium K103
10:00–10:30 Coffee break
10:30–12:00 Parallel sessions 6
6a. Gender, Sexuality, and Intersubjectivity in Modern Irish History (Chair: Johanna Annola) Auditorium K103
Susan Byrne: Days in a Life: Accessing One Woman’s Experience of 1916 in Personal Diaries
Deirdre Foley: Women’s Work in Jacob’s Biscuit Factory, Dublin, 1918–1979
Morgan Wait: “Cannibalizing the Poppers”: Reflections on Doing the History of Queer Nightlife in 1980s Dublin
6b. Experiencing Electricity in the Eighteenth Century: Medical Electricity and Knowledge Formation from Practitioners to Patients (Chair: Saara-Maija Kontturi) Room K108
Soile Ylivuori: Medical Electricity, Patient Experience, and the Material Construction of Knowledge
Stefan Schröder: Sacrificing Life for Scientific Progress: The Death of Georg Willhelm Richmann through Lightning and its Historization in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century
Edna Huotari: Nervous Connections, Electric Psyches: Experiencing Medical Electricity and the Construction of the Psychiatric Patient in Early Nineteenth-Century France
6c. Experience as Encounter (Chair: Sinikka Selin) Room K109
Ali Emre Eldem and Duygu Yayla Eldem: Between Two Identities: Historicizing the Experiences of Cretan Muslims in the Turkish-Greek Population Exchange
Joseph Prestel: Arabic Cities? Migration and Urban Experiences in Western Europe, 1960s–80s
Sofia Silfvast: Finnish-Russian Border Changes (1917–1922) in Oral Histories
12:00–13:30 Lunch break at restaurant Juvenes, main building
13:30–15:00 Parallel sessions 7
7a. Patient Experiences in the Twentieth-Century Welfare State: Comparative Perspectives from Sweden, Great Britain, and France (Chair: Johanna Annola) Auditorium K103
Ylva Söderfeldt and Jonatan Samuelsson: How Tuberculosis Gave Birth to Disability: Patient Mobilization and Experience in the Emerging Swedish Welfare state
Andrew Burchell: Consuming and Producing Chronic Disease: Experiences of Rheumatism and Diabetes in Britain’s Welfare State
Julia Reed: (In)valid Citizens: New Experiences of Patienthood in Gaullist France
7b. Experiencing War and National Identity, II (Chair: Sami Suodenjoki) Room K108
Pierre M. Delpu: Historicizing Suffering: Building Political Martyrs in Nineteenth- Century Europe
Virva Liski and Ilari Taskinen: Measuring Experience? A Methodological Proposal for Combining History of Experience and Quantitative Analysis in the Study of War Experiences
Mikko Rapo: War Veterans’ Experiences of Resettlement, Reciprocity, and Recognition in Post-WWII Finland
7c. Childhood Experiences (Chair: Antti Malinen) Room K109
Katie Barclay: Feeling Safe: Emotions and Experiences
Mary Clare Martin: Accessing the Lived Experiences of Childhood Religion: A Case Study Approach
Essi Jouhki: Re-Imagining Childhood: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Exploring Past Childhoods Through Imaginative Play and Memory
15:00–15:15 Coffee break
15:15–16:00 Final discussion