Possible poster formats could be (but are not limited to):
- An introduction to the current work of a research group. Showcasing people, current projects, and interesting topics sparking discussion.
- A traditional poster summarizing the results of a scientific study, similarly as would be presented in an academic conference.
- A position paper: outlining research challenges and questions, seeking to spark discussion and ideas, maybe even find new collaborations around a topic.
- A poster accompanying a technical demo, to explain the background behind the demo.Poster authors are required to develop a one-page poster (A0) and also give a 1-min pitch presentation during the poster and demo session.
Demo presenters are invited to demo their work during the poster and demo session.
A proposal for a poster or demo must submitted to timo.poranen@tuni.fi and zheying.zhang@tuni.fi by 31.5.2022.
The proposal should contain information on the poster/demo author(s) and an outline of the concept and contents. Acceptance of the proposal will be informed to the authors in about a week after the submitted proposal, and at the latest by 7.6.2022.
Authors of accepted proposals must send the poster file to timo.poranen@tuni.fi and zheying.zhang@tuni.fi by 18.6.2022.
One of the poster authors or demo presenters must register to the symposium and bring the printed poster or demo equipment to the CS Days.