Call for posters and demos

The poster and demo session invites research groups, PhD students, and researchers in software engineering, AI, and other related areas to present posters or demos. The track aims to provide visibility and a discussion forum for recent research activities, research topics, research challenges, technical solutions, proof-of-concept prototypes and their applicability, etc.

Possible poster formats could be (but are not limited to):
  • An introduction to the current work of a research group. Showcasing people, current projects, and interesting topics sparking discussion.
  • A traditional poster summarizing the results of a scientific study, similarly as would be presented in an academic conference.
  • A position paper: outlining research challenges and questions, seeking to spark discussion and ideas, maybe even find new collaborations around a topic.
  • A poster accompanying a technical demo, to explain the background behind the demo.Poster authors are required to develop a one-page poster (A0) and also give a 1-min pitch presentation during the poster and demo session.
Demo presenters are invited to demo their work during the poster and demo session.
A proposal for a poster or demo must submitted to and by 31.5.2022.
The proposal should contain information on the poster/demo author(s) and an outline of the concept and contents. Acceptance of the proposal will be informed to the authors in about a week after the submitted proposal, and at the latest by 7.6.2022.
Authors of accepted proposals must send the poster file to and by 18.6.2022.
One of the poster authors or demo presenters must register to the symposium and bring the printed poster or demo equipment to the CS Days.