On-line seminar, Tampere University
4th November 13.00 – 17.30 (Time zone, Finland)
5th November 10.00 – 14.45 (Time zone, Finland)
Online Seminar: Value of Hybridity - Hybridity of Value
IRSPM Special Interest Group (SIG) on Governing and Managing Hybridity warmly welcomes you to the online seminar on Value of Hybridity – Hybridity of Value 2020
The topic of hybridity – why? In current society, governments face complex societal issues that cannot be tackled through traditional governance arrangements or ideal-typical public, private or third sector organizations. Therefore, governments increasingly initiate hybrid governance arrangements, and work with or through hybrid organizations and opt for hybridized service delivery systems. These ‘hybrids’ transcend the boundaries of policy domains and jurisdictions, combine governance mechanisms (state, market, networks, self-governance), and foster new forms of collaboration.
Governments increasingly initiate hybrid governance arrangements, and work with or through hybrid organizations and opt for hybridized service delivery systems.
Even though hybridity is by no means new, many theoretical and empirical questions remain, such as: what creates a hybrid? Do different forms of hybrids emerge in different situations? If so, what are the consequences? We also do not know a lot about the societal effects of hybridity: how can we make sure whether hybridity leads to innovation and synergy, while controlling possible negative effects (such as external and internal tensions due to competing institutional and professional logics, goals and interests)? How can we make sure whether hybrid arrangements contribute to different forms of value: financial, social or public value? Through what type of mechanisms do hybrids actually create value?
The online seminar aims at increasing understanding of the rise, workings and effects of hybridity
In this online seminar we would like to go further – we would like to increase our understanding of the rise, workings and effects of hybridity – of its conceptual richness, its theoretical relevance, its empirical manifestations, as well as of its implications, effects and consequences in the modern world.