Symposium 2023
Open Talks

Stacy Gherardi
Stacy Gherardi PhD, LCSW is an Assistant Professor of Social Work at New Mexico State University living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her experiences as a classroom teacher and a school social worker inform her work, which focuses on the intersections between social and educational policy. Her research has explored models for school social work, inter-professional practice in school mental health, and the community school movement. Her current work is largely focused on creating, implementing, and evaluating social justice-oriented trauma-informed practices in culturally diverse schools.
Stacy will talk to us about Trauma-informed practices towards inclusive education.
Trauma-informed practices which respond to the social, emotional, and neurological needs of students impacted by trauma are an area of significant attention in the US and increasingly across the globe. They have been framed as a “social justice imperative”, critical to the inclusion and success of students who bring these experiences to school. However, the question of whether trauma-informed practices should be seen as specialised supports for impacted individuals/groups or treated as approaches to educational and social reform remains. This session will explore the necessity of trauma-informed practices, their intersections with inclusive education, and emerging questions in this field.

Anniina Kämäräinen
Anniina Kämäräinen, PhD is a university lecturer and researcher at the Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Special Pedagogy at the University of Eastern Finland. Anniina will talk to us about the use of eye-tracking to understand children’s interactive behaviours in inclusive settings (K12 students).

Valentina Fantasia
Valentina Fantasia, PhD is a specialist in cognitive science at the Department of Philosophy at Lund University, Sweden. Valentina will talk to us about the intersubjective roots of pretend play and the different intersubjective configurations in interactions with children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Graciele Kraemer
Professor Kraemer is the leader of the Study Group on Inequalities, Inclusion, and Educational Policies in the Department of Specialized Studies at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. She also is a member of the research group on Inclusion at Unisinos, and a member of the International Network on Inclusion, Learning, and Technologies in Education (RIIATE), and the Interinstitutional Research Group on Deaf Education- (CNPq / UFRGS). She works with the following themes: School Inclusion, Inclusive Educational Policies, Policies, and Practices in Deaf Education. Her research focuses on policies and practices in special and inclusive education involving children with disabilities in public and private schools in Brazil. Dr. Kraemer is also involved in curriculum planning for teacher education and training in higher education.
Method Experts

Kateryna Zabolotna
Kateryna Zabolotna, is a PhD candidate from the Department of Education and Psychology at the University of Oulu.
Kateryna’s session will cover methods to examine the interplay of knowledge construction and group-level regulations in collaborative tasks.

Pentti Henttonen
Pentti Henttonen, PhD works as a cognitive scientist at the Department of Psychology and Logopedics at Helsinki University.
Pentti’s research deals with emotion recognition in social interaction research, and his method session will cover combining physiological measurements with audiovisual recording and the algorithmic analysis of facial behaviour and movement.