17th-18th of August 2023
About the Symposium
For the last three decades, we have witnessed how the idea of inclusive education has grown and consolidated worldwide. From a macro-level perspective, a solid and extended scope of scientific research provides material to examine inclusive education from theoretical, political, educational, pedagogical and relational perspectives. These lead us to think that the efforts made since the late 90s have, in fact, prompted social transformations. In the micro-level perspective, however, the experiences that assure the feeling of inclusion, and the materialization of participation in school and in learning processes is still far from being exhausted. We are particularly interested in looking at the social interactions as part of this inclusive experience, raising awareness of the importance of relationships that support agency and participation in learning processes for all students.
The study of social interactions is challenging, especially among children that have significantly different developmental paths. Thus, we believe that such investigations should be carried out within an interdisciplinary and multidimensional perspective, bringing researchers, professionals, parents as well as people with disabilities to think about the research together. This year’s symposium brings focus to adult-child interactions in challenging situations in the school context and offers the opportunity to learn different methodologies that support investigating the potential of these interactions.
Our event is open to the academic and professional community. We encourage students from different fields to enrol.
Juliene Madureira Ferreira – Assistant professor, Faculty of Education and Culture
Child Development and Diverse Needs in Early Years – ECEPP research group
Support team, from the Faculty of Education and Culture:
Harry Quedenfeld – PhD Candidate
Maria Matos da Cunha Lima – Master’s Student
Mariana Campos Gonzalez – Master’s Student
Samin Lee – PhD Candidate
Venla Tammisalo – PhD Candidate