Special sessions

Proposal procedure

Special session proposals shall be sent to norcas@tuni.fi by June 15, 2024. Accepted special sessions will be added to the paper submission system and the conference web site once approved by the organizers.

To propose a Special Session, send the proposed session title/topic, organizer(s) name, affiliation and email, a short paragraph on the rationale of the session, and the names and email addresses of five proposed (PhD level) reviewers for the papers submitted to the session. The session organizer commits to chair the session in the conference if the session will be accepted.

1-2 of each special session organizers will be offered a reduced rate to participate  (with the disclaimer that for each paper presented in the conference there must be one paid full registration).

Accepted Special Sessions

We will have the following special sessions in IEEE NorCAS 2024:

  • Platform Chips
  • Low-power and low-energy digital techniques
  • 6G / Beyond 5G circuits and architectures