
Workshop "Nonlinear Photonics and Applications"
October 25-27, 2022
Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki Silja Serenade Boat

The workshop starts on October 25 at 13:00 and boat returns to Helsinki on October 27 at 10:30.

Detailed program and overall schedule can be found here and the list of abstracts can be found here. The workshop will take place at the Conference Center on Deck 6.

A preliminary list of speakers can be found below.

Preliminary list of speakers:

Camille Bres

Maria Chernysheva

Francesca Gallazzi

Massimo Giudici

Christian Grillet

Regina Gumenyuk

Maxime Jacquot

Christelle Monat

Arno Mussot

Marco Ornigotti

Alessia Pasquazzi

Günter Steinmeyer

Thibault Sylvestre

Francesco Tani

Giovanna Tissoni

John Travers

Sergei Turitsyn

Stefan Wabnitz

Students and Postdocs sessions:

There will be two sessions where you will be able pitch your research in the form of short presentations (8 minutes + 2 minutes Q&A).

Registration fees:

The registration fees are 300€ which includes accommodation on the boat on a sea-view cabin, coffee breaks, breakfast, and dinners on the boat on October 25 and October 26. Deadline for registration is September 20.