Methodological expertise, asking insightful and new questions, building fresh research designs, and using up-to-date, developed and applied methods lie at the core of research. The role of early career researchers in particular, as key motors of innovations, evidence and knowledge is crucial also when seeking to meet the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations.

The skills set of researchers is in constant change. This means that also more mature researchers, in all institutional surroundings, need to update their research skills. Continuous learning is now a requirement for researchers in universities and all other research surroundings. New methods, mixed methods, open science, data management, the digitalization of science and society, intellectual property rights, research ethics, popularization together form the constantly developing set of researcher skills.

The Methods Festival has since its start in 2009 acted as a platform for the updating and discussion of researcher and methods skills. To celebrate our 10-year jubilee we bring you sessions that focus directly on research methodology. The plenary sessions raise questions concerning the global aspects of methods; discuss artificial intelligence as a tool and topic for research; and the investigative energy of qualitative approaches. In addition, you find sessions directed for methods teachers, for doctoral researchers, as well as hands-on practical sessions on topics that are more generic and pertinent to all researchers.

Scientific break-through is often depicted as the result of single individual researchers. Inter-disciplinary collaboration, networks that surpass university and global borders are, however, increasingly crucial. The Methods Festival seeks to enhance this genre of collaboration and discussion.

Warm welcome to the Methods Festival 2019 organized by the Doctoral School, and to celebrate the 10-year birthday together with us! The festival days undoubtedly offer many opportunities for networking and discussion in interdisciplinary surroundings. Perhaps you wish to also venture a peek outside your methodological comfort zone?


Pirjo Nikander

President of the organizing committee
Research director of Tampere University Doctoral School