P41 SIG Public sector human resources management

Panel Chairs:
Associate Prof. Linda Colley, Prof. Dr. Karen Johnston, Associate Prof. Pablo Sanabria and Prof. Stephen Teo

Corresponding Chair:
Karen Johnston, karen.johnston@port.ac.uk

In line with the aim of our Special Interest Group and the IRSPM 2020 theme of Smart Public Services, we invite papers that address the following:

  1. What has been the impact of HRM business models on the public sector?
  2. How has the career service model changed with the introduction of public sector reforms, transferable HRM business models, and hybrid forms of public service delivery?
  3. What have been the implications for PS HRM and development, careers, employee relations, leadership, equality and accountability with the introduction of business models, co-governance and public sector austerity?
  4. What has been the impact of smart working on public sector employees, HRM practices and public sector capacity?
  5. What HRM practices have been transferred across the globe and what has been the outcome of policy transfers?
  6. What has been the effects of new modes of public service delivery terms of dialogue/adoption/transfer of practices from the private, non-profit, civil society (e.g. religious organizations) sector to public sector organizations?

We also invite contributions that reflect specifically on whether the HRM paradigm is working in the public sector, with a view to publishing a collection of papers (as a special issue or an edited book). These contributions should address some or all of the following:

(a)    The history of HR practice and the HR profession in a country, including the trajectory of institutional responsibilities alongside public management reforms.

(b)   The current state of HRM in a country.

(c)    An in-depth study of a critical issue, which demonstrates this trajectory and the challenges in the current state of HRM.

(d)   Reflection on whether the HRM paradigm is working in a country, and the future of Public Sector HRM.

We welcome new research and a variety of research methodologies from literature reviews, to qualitative and interpretive research, quantitative and positivist research, experimental research, and innovative methodologies.