P28 State strategies and strategic public management

Panel Chairs:
Tamyko Ysa and Carsten Greve

Corresponding Chair:
Tamyko Ysa, tamyko.ysa@esade.edu

This panel focuses on the way states make strategies and encourage strategic public management, including the aspiration for combining different areas of strategy for states and public managers. Most topically, there is renewed interest in how states make governing strategies that in some ways signals a return to earlier theories of the state that have been prevalent in public administration, public policy and political science.

This panel will welcome papers from five areas of strategic public management, including papers that encourages dialogue and new research across the five areas. (1) The individual public manager as a strategic actor in the Mark Moore (2013) tradition (2) To look at how organizations formulate and implement formal strategy in the Paul Joyce (Drumaux and Joyce 2018) and Bryson-tradition. (3) To examine the inter-organizational relations and the way the public sector organizations collaborate with other public sector organizations, and with organizations in the private sector, including companies, NGOs, and other civil society organizations in governance networks in the Klijn & Koppenjan (2015)-tradition and Crosby and Bryson-tradition (2018). (4) To explore systems level and focus on how states make strategy. The revived interest in strategies for governing at the macro-level is promoted most by Alasdair Roberts (2019), and the platform business models applied to public management, both for service provision and as government strategies. Historical institutionalism talks about the public administration of state building. (5) To focus on international organizations, like OECD, as they are trying to put forward and to promote strategies (on innovation f.x.) vis-à-vis national governments and sub-national governments. Empirical as well as theoretical papers that focus on dialogue are welcome.


Crosby, Barbara & Bryson, John. 2018. “Why Public Leadership Research Matters and What to Do About It” Public Management Review 20(9-10), 1265-1286.
Drumaux, Anne & Joyce, Paul. 2018. Strategic Management in Public Organizations. Routledge.
Klijn, Erik-Hans and Koppenjan, Joop. 2015. Governance Networks in the Public Sector. Routledge.
Moore, Mark. 2013. Recognizing Public Value. Harvard University Press.
Parker, Geoffrey, Van Alstyne, Marshall & Choudary, Sangeet. 2016. Platform revolution. Norton.
Roberts, Alasdair. 2019. Strategies of Governing. Cornell University Press (forthcoming).