Corresponding Chair:
Neil Boyd,
This panel will explore the latest research on Community Experiences (sense of community-SOC; sense of community responsibility-SOCR) and related public management concepts. SOC & SOCR have respectively been shown to predict employee psychological well-being and behavioral action in a variety of organizations. In addition, SOCR recently entered the field of public management as a related, yet distinct, construct to a Public Service Motivation, and other “other-regarding” constructs like altruism, and prosocial motivation, as measures which attempt to predict psychological and behavioral outcomes of employees in organizations. This has led to conversations in public management around how to integrate these constructs across multiple academic disciplines.
We invite abstracts of 500 words or less for papers that explore sense of community, sense of community responsibility, and other community constructs within organizational contexts. We expect to hold one session of 3-4 papers, but depending on the number of submissions, we may be able to add additional sessions.
Any queries about submissions should be directed to the Panel chairs.